Warmth, Like Summer Rain

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————Author's POV:__________________________________

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"Y/N specimen," Russel calls, not taking his eyes off the colorful pictures on the television, which he leans towards. Had he not remembered the woman's warning about straining his eyes, he probably would've been standing directly in front of it with intrigue.

"What is it?" she asks while fixing herself a sandwich for a snack.

"Can you explain what the female in the television is using?" He often asked her little questions when there was something he didn't understand in a show or commercial, so she was used to random inquiries. She looks behind her at the T.V. to find he's watching an advertisement for shampoo. "I have watched this commercial several times now, and I can't figure out what the foaming substance is," he elaborates, tilting his head as the commercial changes to a different one. Well, that was understandable. All the commercial really showed was a woman rinsing suds out of her hair and the shiny, luxurious locks she gained after using some brand of shampoo and conditioner.

"Sure, come with me." Abandoning her sandwich on the counter, she leads Russel into the bathroom before picking up the bottles she uses for her own hair. "Simply, it's soap made specifically for hair, and since humans have a variety of hair types, like curly or straight and thick or thin, there are many types of shampoos and conditioners out there. They help make the hair clean, soft and shiny." As she explained, she handed the alien the bottles to examine, and with a clawed finger, he flips open the caps to give them each a sniff. His blank eyes seem to light up at the delicious scent.

"They smell like fruit," he claims while setting down the conditioner to poke the thin tip of his pinky finger into the hole of the shampoo. Y/N panicked when he attempted to taste the liquid dousing the nail with his tongue. He figured it must've been edible with such a tasty scent.

"Ah! Russel, no, don't eat it!" The woman laughs as she stops his hand, and he retracts his tongue.

"Why? Is it poisonous?" he asks with a hint of worry.

"Well, it's certainly not good to ingest, and I promise it won't taste as good as it smells."

"I see." Smiling at his cluelessness, she turns the bottle in his hand to show him the words on the back.

"If you want to know what's in it, all the ingredients are listed here, on the back... Wait, can you even read?" She wonders aloud.

"Somewhat. I am familiar with a few words, but it isn't so easy as learning to speak your language. To talk was my first priority." He examines the list of ingredients, but finds he can only understand a couple of the things listed.

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