Scary Movie

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Author's Note:

Greetings, everybody!

             Welcome back to Stargazer! Been a while, huh? Well, I hope you're all excited to continue. I know I am! Editing is all done, so if you'd like to have a look at the fixed chapters, be my guest. I hope they're to your liking.

~Enjoy the Chapter~


•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

——————————————Your POV:___________________________

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I breathe a sigh of relief when my shift ends and ruffle my hair before looking over at Russel, who's still seated on the floor with a white straw resting between his lips. He sucks on it to receive the sweet, peach soda inside the cup in his hands that I had given to him earlier. I found that he really likes the sugary stuff, which made me wonder if he's never had anything sweet before, or is it that he's more used to sweet foods? That would definitely be something to ask him. Russel meets my eyes when I crouch down in front of him and takes his lips off the straw.

"My shift's over now. Would you maybe like to pick out a movie from here to see?" I offer, and the alien nods his head with a faint smile on his lips.

"I would like that."

"Come on." I hold my hand out, so he takes it, and I pull him up, while he takes another sip of his soda. I guide him over to a wall of posters that display what movies we have playing right now and gesture to them. "Pick whichever one looks interesting to you." Russel gives a slight nod, his eyes never tearing away from the framed posters as he examines them thoroughly. He takes up a few minutes deciding, but I remain patient with him, and eventually, he points at one depicting a disk-shaped UFO shooting lasers at a city. I nearly choke on a laugh that I try to contain, knowing that movie is about aliens. I haven't seen it myself, and honestly, not a lot of people have bought tickets to it, since it looked really cheesy, especially with that stupid title: Beware the Invaders. It'll be good for a laugh, I guess.

"I'll go buy the tickets. Do you want me to refill your drink while I'm at it?" He nods his head before passing me the nearly empty cup. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

"I won't," he mutters while staring down the hallway, where we'll have to go to reach the theater. I leave him there and try not to take too long with the stuff. Luckily, we won't have to wait long for the next showing, as it will start in a few minutes. When I come back to him, I hand over his soda and guide him to theater three. He stares in awe at all the red seats lined up in rows and even gasps at the size of the screen that currently has commercials projected on it. "So big." He walks towards it as though he wanted to touch it, so I act quickly to grab his wrist.

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