talk to the Maryams (part 1)

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An: I decided to wait on the lemon. I don't think that Dave and John should do that stuff yet because of their age but there will be a short lemon before this ends. So yeah.

Karkat's pov-

I did what Kanaya told me and I went to the fashion place near the airport. I would talk to Porrim about the whole Dave thing. I dont know much about her except that she is related to Kanaya. Although, I don't know how they are related. I walked through the clear double doors. The whole building was made from glass except the floor. I guess the Maryam family likes the sun. I mean, why else would you make a building out of glass. " Hello. Welcome to green glass company. Can I help you." A girl pining a dress to a headless manican. "I'm looking for Porrim." I stated softly. I wasn't much for yelling these days. "In the back." The girl looked disappointed that I didn't need help from her. But it wasn't like I was in here for clothes. If that was the case I would be happy to ask her. I honestly had no idea where I was walking. I didn't know where the 'back' was. When I neared the dressing room area I heard some people talking. "Dear, can you pass me that needle. No no. Yes. Thank you." I wondered who that was. "Porrim?" I called out. "In here, hun." The voice came from my left. I turned that way and was meet by a wall. I pushed on the wall and a door opened. Ah, a hidden passage way.  What I had walked into was a sewing room. There were bright colored fabrics strewn all over the room, several sewing machines sat in different places and many manicans stood in the center of the room. Two very tall woman stood around one of the manicans. At least they were very tall to me. I wasn't exactly the tallest. I walked up to them. "Hello, hun. We'be been waiting for you. Kanaya told us you might drop by. " I smiled. Kanaya was always thinking ahead. "I've heard that your ex-matesprite has decided to come here." I nodded. I'm guessing the girl that was speaking to me was Porrim. She was fairly tall and really beautiful. She looked as though she was in her early twenties. She was wearing a strapless black and green dress. She had black tattoos that started from her shoulders and went all the way down her arm. I nodded. "I don't know what to do. I need help." She smiled slightly at me. "Hun, I can give you all the help you need." She looked at the other women standing next to her. "This is Kankri's little brother and one of Kanaya's friends." The other woman nodded. "Come young one. We will help you as best we can."

(A/N: I have no idea where I'm going with this. Can you guys help me out please and thanks. There is no story/chapter question but please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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