Can we cuddle?

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Dave's Pov-

        It's been a month since John and I have started dating. And all I can think about is our fight. It was our first one and it had left an impact on me. Sometimes I couldn't look at John without feeling bad. I know I should get over it but I just couldn't. I felt horrible. John was fragile and I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want to be like Sollux. Of course we never talked about him or any of our exes. Hell, John hadn't brought Karkat up once in the whole month that we've been dating. And Karkat was his best friend. There was just so much going on that it was a lot to take in. I had tried talking to Rose and Kanaya about everything but they were no help. At all. So I spent most of my time sitting on the roof platform outside my window, looking up at the stars. I was so scared of hurting John, that sometimes I would just avoid him completely. And that worried him alot, so I would have to tell him that I was okay and it had nothing to do with him. Most of the time I would blame it on Dirk. I would tell John that Dirk and I were fighting alot. And that it wasn't the average Strider fight. But that just made him worry more. So my plans of not hurting John were failing. But I didn't know what to do. The fight scared me so much but I didn't want to tell him that and break my cool guy composure. Of course John had already seen me cry and break down before. But this was different. And that's how I ended up on the roof. Cause all of my conflicted emotions. I watched the street below me. Every time that I sat out here not many cars passed on this street. I kept watching the street, when I noticed someone walking up to the house. I could make out a pair of glasses. And I instantly knew that it was John.

John's Pov-

        I knocked on the Strider's door three times. I was hoping that Dave would answer. He had been avoiding me lately and I was worried. I couldn't tell what was wrong. I always thought that I did something wrong. Maybe he was mad at me? Just thinking about it brought tears to my eyes. I tried to stop the tears that were starting to form but they spilled over. When the door finally opened, I was shocked to see Rose. I thought she would be over at Kanaya's. "Hey John. What's the matter?" The tears streamed down my face faster and I launched myself at her. I don't know why, but Rose's question just made me even more upset. She embraced me tightly. "Oh John." She pulled away from me. "I-I..." She interrupted by placing her finger to her black painted lips. "Why don't you go to Dave." I nodded and headed up the stairs. I went straight to Dave's door and opened it quickly. I looked at one of his walls. It was filled with all of our pictures. I didn't know he took so many pictures of us. Actually, there were more pictures of me than us together. I thought it was little weird but cute. I walked over to the window. I could see his silhouette. I tapped on the window twice. His body flinched and he moved away from the window. I opened it up and crawled out into the fresh May air.

Dave's Pov-

        When Someone tapped on the window, I flinched. I expected it to be Rose telling me to come down stairs to talk to John. But it was John. I looked over at him and noticed tear marks on his face. I hoped he wasn't crying over me. He launched himself into my arms, knocking me over. I wrapped my arms around him. I didn't ask him what was wrong or why he was here. I didn't say anything, I just let him cry into my chest. After what seemed like forever, he pulled away so he could look at me. "I-I thought you were m-mad at m-me." He said between hiccups. I pulled his face to close to mine and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. "I could never be mad at you." He sighed. "Then why have you been avoiding me?" I gulped. Am I ready to tell him? Can I tell him? I bit my lip. "I'm just scared." John wipped the tears out of his eyes." Of what?" I gulped again. "Of hurting you. Or losing you." He opened his mouth but I continued talking. "Our first fight scared me a lot. I don't want that to happen again. I don't want you to end up hating me." With every word I began to shake. "Oh, Dave." He sat in my lap wrapping his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. He kissed my forehead softly. He moved to my nose and pressed his lips against it, and then he put his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. I missed him so much. I had missed his touch, his smile, his laugh, everything. I just missed him in general. I pulled back so we could breath. "I've missed you John." He smiled. "I've missed you too." He kissed me on the cheek. "Just don't avoid me again, okay?" I nodded. "Okay." 

        "Dave?" I looked over at John. We were still sitting on the roof, but I had grabbed a blanket so John could curl up under it. I wasn't much for blankets. "Hmm?" I pushed my shades up on my head so I could look at John directly. "Can we cuddle, tonight?" I smirked. John had never asked to cuddle before. I honestly don't we have cuddle at all. We have laid on each other but not actually cuddling. I nodded."Of course we can." John scooted closer to me. He wrapped the blanket around the both of us and curled up on my side. "I love you, Dave." I smiled. "I love you too.

Washington boysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora