the condom

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Dave's pov-

        I sat up quickly in the bed. I don't remember falling asleep. I rolled off the bed and and walked over to the kitchen area. I opened the cabinet. Nothing. I wonder how long we will be here. I'll ha e to ask John. Speaking of him, I hear water running in the bathroom. He's probably taking a shower. I looked down at the counter and notice a small square package. Is that... I reach into my back pocket. It's not there. Is this the condom that was in my pocket. I pick it up and look at both sides of it. Yep, this is the condom that Dirk handed me. It even said make me proud on one side. I groaned. It must've slipped out of my skinny jeans and John picked it up. Damnit! Now he knows. What is he going to think? Ugh! I was trying to think of what to do, that I didn't notice that John had come out of the bathroom. "What are you doing?" His voice caused me to jump. I turned around quickly, practically hitting him with my arm. One of my hands was firmly placed on the condom and the other was in my jean pocket. "Um, nothing." He smiled slightly. "Dave, are you hiding something?" I shook my head. He smirked. "Dave, I already know. I've seen the condom." I groaned. "Okay, look. It wasn't me. It was Dirk. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to..." John kissed my forehead. "I know. I understand. No need to get worried." I could feel heat rising in my cheeks. And it wasn't from John tenderly kissing my forehead. It was because John was wrapped up in a towel from the waist down. Water was rippling down his chest. He wasn't skinny but he was very muscly. I must've been staring for quite some time because he snorted. "Do you see something you like?" I smirked. "All the time."

(A/N: I know that was short but I'm leading this chapter into something else. So here is my really big question: Do you want a lemon chapter? Cause this story hasn't really had any of that. I mean I kinda hinted at it with the whole Sollux and Terezi thing but I didn't go into details. But if you want one please tell me so in the comments. And my other question is, If you want the lemon, do you want it to be the next chapter or do you want Karkat to make another apperance next chapter? Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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