The trip

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Time skip- last day of school

John's pov-

"Dave!" I shouted out for Dave at the bus stop. "Yo." I grabbed his hand. "Guess what?" He intertwined our finger together. "What?" I squeezed his hand. "Dad is sending Jade and I to New York. And he said that you could go with us. Do you want to come?" He looked up at me and smirked. "Sounds cool. I'd have to ask Dirk but I'm pretty sure he'd say yes." I squeezed his hand again. "Yay!"

Dave's pov-

I had to keep a straight face as John mentioned going to New York. That's where Karkat and Kankri had moved to. I mean, there probably wasn't any chance of us running into each other but I was still scared of thought. But if John wanted me to go with on a tip I couldn't deny him. And this would be our first trip together. But if I did see Karkat, I wouldn't know what to do. He does have a boyfriend now and so do I but I still have feelings for him. Not as much as I did before but I still did. I wondered if he still had feelings for me. I always talked to John about the way I felt. He knew that I still had feelings for Karkat, and we always talked about different things that detailed them. He was almost like Rose in that way. I loved that he helped me through the times that were very complicated for me. And I loved that he was there for me. I just loved him.

(A/N: sorry for the short sucking chapter but I'm using internet Explorer. And I hate internet explorer. I really freaking hate it. Its just really slow and I type faster than it can respond so it angers me to no end. But here is the chapter/story chapter: what would happen if Dave sees Karkat in New York? i'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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