School Day #1

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Dave's POV

        I waited for Karkat to come back from his house so we could walk to school together. Gamzee, Kanaya, and Tavros all waited at the end of my driveway. I walked down there slowly. They were talking about something. "Did you hear them last night?" Tavros asked Kanya. She nodded. "Yes. They were very loud. Nepeta was terrified. She slept in my room because she was so scared." I leaned against my mailbox. "What's going on?" Gamzee smiled slightly. "Karbro's rents were fighting again." Tavros looked at me. "Didn't you hear them?" I nodded. "Yeah, I was on the roof when they were yelling." I didn't tell them about Karkat sleeping with me. That would of been weird. "Where's Rose?" Kanaya asked. Did I detect a note of longing? Did Kanaya like my sister? "She's coming later." I looked over at Karkat's house. I wondered if he was alright. I hoped he was.

        We decided to walk to school. I wasn't used to walking. Dirk used to drive Rose and I everywhere. Since it was kind of cold outside my shades started to get foggy. I couldn't see where I was walking. I tripped over my own feet. As I fell, my shades slipped off my face. I heard a small crack. "Shit." I closed my eyes quickly. "Dave, are you alright?" Kanaya asked. I stood up and nodded. "Yeah. I just need my shades." She pushed my shades onto my face. "Here."I opened my eyes. "Thanks." I opened my eyes. Great. Both lens were cracked. This started off as a bad day.

-Time jump-

        "Good morning class." The teacher, Mr. Westerfield, called to the class. "Morning, Mr. Westerfield." They replied back. I looked over the class. It was filled with slutty girls and nerds. As I continued to look, a guy caught my eye. He had dark brown hair, that stuck up in every direction and his black rimmed glasses practically screamed nerd. But what really caught my attention was his eyes. They were bright blue. The brightest blue I had ever seen. "We have a new student. Please introduce yourself." I adjusted my shade. I replaced the crack lens with new ones that I kept in my pocket. "I'm Dave Strider." Mr. Westerfield nodded. He pointed to the seat next to the blue eyed dark haired boy. "You can sit there. Next to John."

                "Hey Dave. I'm John. John Egbert." He smiled, showing all his teeth. That's when I noticed he had buck teeth that were hidden by blue and green braces. I nodded. "Sup." Since today was a new quarter Mr. Westerfield let us do whatever we wanted. Some of the girls flocked around me like seagulls waiting for a piece of bread. But unfortunately for them, I'm all out of bread. John sighed. "They do this a lot." He whispered. "They've done it to me before. Can you believe that?" He giggles softly. I nod. "Yeah. You're kinda attractive bro." Crap. That was uncool Strider. "Really?" His cheeks became a soft pink color. The girls around us giggled. "Of course dude. I guess some nerds can look as good as a Strider." Nice cover. He scrunched up his nose, making his face even more adorable. If that was even possible. The girls squealed. I sighed. his was going to be a long day. 

Washington boysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora