You're just a douche-muffin

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John's pov-

Of course Dave had to go and get himself in trouble. it was the last day, sure, but did he really have to cover coach Lyker's car in ketchup. and how did he get that much ketchup anyway? it just wasn't humanly possible. besides when did find the time to do it? he was with me all morning. I just don't understand.

And since it is the last day none of the seniors who had graduated weren't there. I was glad that they weren't here. cause now I wouldn't have to see Sollux anymore. I mean, I wasn't mad at him anymore but that didn't change the fact that he was a cheater. once a cheater always a cheater, in my book. I decided to walk to the basketball courts. we were allowed to do whatever since it was the last day. "John!" I heard someone yell behind me. I knew that naively voice. It belonged to Sollux's younger brother. "Oh. Hey Tuna." I giggled slightly at the nickname that I had given him in the seventh grade. I hated that Mituna was in a different grade than the rest of my friends. I always though Mituna was really nice and funny. He pushed some of his hair out his eyes, which was one thing he had in common with his brother; bi-colored eyes, as he fell in step beside me. "Did you hear?" He asked. "Hear what?" I asked, opening the door to the basketball court, barley anyone was out here. "Sol failed. He has to re-do his senior year all over again." I stopped dead in my tracks. He. failed?

Time jump brought to you by Mituna's helmet shop, for all your helemety needs.

I was gonna find that idiot. I was gonna... I honestly had no idea what I was really gonna do. but I was gonna do something. "Sollux Lucifer Captor!" I called as soon as I seen him. He was talking to Eridan about something. He turned to look in my direction. "Excuse us, Eridan." I said as I got within earshot of the two. I grabbed Sollux by the collar of his shirt. "But we need to talk." I pulled him away from his friend to the other side of the gym. I stopped and let go of him. "What's up John?"He said, nervously. "Don't what's up me. Can you explain to me why you got held back?" I looked up at him. "Not really." I narrowed my eyes at him. "You are ruining your life, y'know. why couldn't you just graduate and leave. You could've done something with your life." I might have disliked Sollux for what he did, but that didn't mean that I wanted his life to be all discombobulated. "I stayed because of you. John I still love you and I want to be with you. Dave can't do what I can." I rolled my eyes. "Sollux, i'm happy with Dave. and you should just give up on getting me back. you already broke my heart I once. I don't want it to happen again." he sighed. "But I love you!" Sollux grabbed my wrists and pulled me close to him. "Let me go." As if he didn't hear me, he spoke. "I won't lose you to some douche, he just randomly shows up out of no where." I tried pulling out of his grip, to no avail. "Please let go." Sollux still ignored me. He placed his lips onto to mine, backing us up into the wall. I pushed back against him, trying to get away. he let go of my wrists and slipped one hand into my back pocket and the other in my hair. He slipped his tongue into my mouth forcefully. I gasped and continued to struggle. after a while he pulled away. I pushed him away with as much force as I could. "Leave me alone. Don't ever come near me again." I could feel my eyes start to water, tears threatening to spill over. "You're the biggest douche-muffin I have ever meet!" I ran out the door of the gym, not caring where I ran.

(A/N: oooooh! That was something! and Eridan saw the whole thing. Uh-oh. so story/chapter question, actually there is two: 1. What will Eridan do about what her just saw? 2. where or who does John run too? alright, I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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