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Dave's POV-

                       "Dave, you fucking asshole. You let me sleep on your goddamn roof. Why didn't you wake me the fuck up? That's what I woke up to. The sounds of growling and the annoying screams of Karkat. "Oh lighten up." I yawned. I looked out toward the horizon. The sun wasn't even awake yet. I checked the time on my phone. 4:30. "Dude, it's only 4:30. Would you relax?" I stretched. "Relax?" He repeated. He said the word as if he had never heard it before. "Yeah, relax." I opened my window and crawled through the opening. "You coming or what?" He crawled through after me. I closed the window. "Come on. Don't just stand there. we don't bite." At least I hoped so.

                         "Morning little man." Dirk said as I entered the kitchen. I was surprised he was up this early. I nodded at him. Karkat stood awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs. "Well, who's this?" I sighed and grabbed a can of cola from the fridge. That's Karkat. He stayed here last night." Dirk smiled slightly. "So..." I interrupted him. "No, That didn't happen. Bro, just go back to your puppets or that English muffin or whatever it is you have in your room and stay there." He shrugged. "Whatever man." Dirk walked up the stairs slowly. God why a I related to him.

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