Sollux I need your help

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Dave's Pov-

        During lunch I had Terezi distract John so I could talk to Sollux. Good thing they were friends again or this part of the plan would be hard to pull off. I walked up Sollux's table. Some guy, that I recognized as Eridan, glared at me. "Why are over here Strider? What do you want?" He spoke in his wavy accent. For whatever reason Erdian found someway to hate a lot of people. Me, in particular. "Why does it matter. I have every right to be over here. Besides it has nothing to do with you Amopra, this is Captor's problem." I said, mocking his accent. "You need me?" Sollux spoke up. I nodded. "Yeah dude." I slid into an empty chair, despite Eridan's glare and groans of disapproval. "It's Egderp's birthday. That most you should know." He nodded. "Well Jade and I are throwing him a party and I need you to distract him so we can set everything up." I looked over at him. He adjusted his glasses and swallowed the lump that was stuck in his throat. He stared at me for a while before speaking. "But... uh, John and I aren't exactly on speaking terms." I sighed. I looked over at the table I usually sit. Terezi was licking John's face. I smirked. She was a weirdo at times but that's what made Terezi, Terezi. I tapped my fingers on the table, in thought. Even though I knew this was going to happen. I tried to make it look like I had no idea what to do. I really needed his help. I looked up at Sollux's face. "I know. But you could at least try. I mean this is for John. I only need you to do this for like half an hour." He nodded slowly. "I guess I could do that." I patted his back. "Thanks dude."

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