Are you crazy!

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-Time Jump-

Sollux's Pov-

"What's wrong with you!" Eridan shouted. "It's like I told you before. I'm getting held back so I can still be with John. I'm not letting go of him that easily." I turned to look out the enterance of the school buliding. I saw John walking hand-in-hand with Dave. I bared my teeth. That douche. "Sol, you aren't gonna get him back y'know." I sighed. "Yeah, I know. But I can still be his friend. I only have three more weeks." Three weeks is long enough for me to fail everything.

John's Pov-

"It's almost over! We're gonna be juniors soon!" I squealed, squeezing Dave's hand. "Ow! Ease up on the excitement." I looked down at Dave's hand and released it. "Oh, I'm sorry!" He smirked. "It's alright." He kissed my forehead. "Dave!" I squealed. "Get used to it, dude." I smiled and tugged him into the school

-Time Jump-

Dave's Pov-

"No lunch today bro." Gamzee poked John in the forehead. He giggled. "Nope. Just some milk." John held up his carton of milk and shook it slightly. Gamzee smiled. "Honk." I shook my head. Gamzee was really weird. But that's what made him, Gamzee. Sometimes I couldn't understand him and others I didn't want too. But there were also times when we had to stand up for him. People liked to make fun of him for his clown make-up, or the way he talked, or how he acted. And the only person who really understood Gamzee was Tavros. They had been best friends forever and they had even started dating. For Tavros it was a confidence boster and for Gamzee it was something he couldn't understand. He had confided in me once. He told me that he was scared of rejection and he didn't want Tav to feel bad. I told him that he would just have to follow his gut and see how it went. And here they were many months later, as happy as John and I were. It was a miracle.

"Ha!" I heard Eridan snort from a few feet away. He was walking up to our table. "Look at all the queers." I rolled my eyes behind my shades. I stood up and Gamzee followed my lead. "What do you want Ampora." I spat out. "Just checking out the freaks and geeks." He looked over our table. "Nothing new, I see. Everyone is still a faggot, here." Gamzee growled. "Just back off Eridan." He barked. Wow, I've never heard Gamzee so mad before. Tavros wheeled next to Gamzee and placed his hand on his arm. "Gam, calm down. Why don't you have a pie or something." Gamzee looked down at him. "Alright." Gamzee sat down next to Tav. His smile was instanly replaced on his face as he started talking to John and Tavros. Wow, he was quick to change emtions. I turned back to Eridan. "Just move along, Ampora. We don't have time for Moby Dick. " I sat back down next to John, ignoring the huge tool standing next to our table. Eridan snorted sarcasticaly. "Whatever freaks." He walked away form our table and over to his own. I watched him as started talking to Sollux. Sollux shook his head and slammed his fist on the table before walking out of the cafeteria. Everyone was acting crazy today.

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