🎵🎥 MV series: through the years 🎥🎵 Part two

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Haru Haru


( Her parts are again the chorus)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

( Her parts are again the chorus)

Misa has a really big secret. She has a worse disease. To not hurt GD, she broke up with him, saying she can't handle his jealousy anymore. T.O.P, who has a secret crush on Misa, gives her emotional support. She still has the ring from GD and asks T.O.P to take care of it and to give it to GD in case she has to die.
Right in that moment comes GD and sees Misa with T.O.P.

G: Leave
Yeah, finally I realise, that I’m nothing without you
I was so wrong, forgive me

Without seeing GD Misa leaves.
T.O.P also wants to go, but GD helds him back. Both argue a lot. T.O.P teases GD that Misa is now with him and accidentally confesses his real feelings.
The fight gets out of hand and both are beating eachother.

GD: You answer anything as I cry out "I miss you"
I hope for a vain expectation but now it’s useless
T.O.P: What is it about that person next to you, did he make you cry?
Do you even see me, did you already completely forget me?

Now sits GD alone in a little dark room. He's crying and watching old videos of him with Misa. In the background you can hear Misa singing.

M: Don’t look back and leave
Don’t find me again and just live on
Because I have no regrets from loving you,
so only take the good memories

The scene switches. Misa sits with T.O.P in a car. They have fun till GD Drives past them. Misa locks eyes with him. To keep up their role as a couple, T.O.P pulls Misa in his embrace and Misa snuggles against him. GD becomes mad.

GD: Always be happy with him, so I don't think of anything else
You have to get along so there is not even a small regret in me
T.O.P : Like the white sky and like the blue clouds
Yes, just smile like nothing is wrong

Now it switches back and forth. On the one side GD loses his temper and destroyes things that belongs to Misa.
On the other side Misa leans against her door and cries. In her hand she has her own hair which falls out because of her medical treatments. In that hand lays also a necklace.

M: I can bear it in some wayI can stand it in some wayYou should be happy if you are like thisDay by day it fades away

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

M: I can bear it in some way
I can stand it in some way
You should be happy if you are like this
Day by day it fades away

Misa is now in a hospital. Everybody is sitting around her and try to make her laugh. Soon Misa has to have a operation. It decides if we can survive or not.
Taeyang leaves the room to call GD. He tells him everything about the disease and the operation.
GD runs as fast as possible to the hospital. Meanwhile, Misa is pushed into the operating room.
In the background you can hear Misa singing one last time the chorus.

M: Don’t look back and leave
Don’t find me again and just live on
Because I have no regrets from loving you,
so only take the good memories
I can bear it in some way
I can stand it in some way
You should be happy if you are like this
Day by day it fades away

GD arrives at the hospital. He faces T.O.P.
T.O.P walks to GD. In order to fulfill his promise he gives GD Misa's ring. "Sorry for lying. She really loves u a lot."

Everyone thinks Misa died. GD kneels on the side of her bed.

GD: Oh, girl, I cry, cry
You’re my all, say goodbye, bye
Oh, my love, don’t lie, lie
You’re my heart, say goodbye

But as if a miracle happened, Misa wakes up and everyone embraces her stormily.


This is the end for the GD/Misa relationship storyline.
The other MV's will include another one.

I hope u like it!

Miss Lee ❤️

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