"What did you do?"

"I allowed him to see who I really am I took the mask off so to speak".

The server arrive at their table with their dessert, "Can you bring us another piece of pie please",  Stile says to her.

"Doing so much magic made me hungry".

"All I saw was you standing up".

"I'll explain on the ride home".

Stiles and Derek were in the car, "I stopped time for a moment and showed him myself as a Fae. So he would recognise he was in the presents of Royal Fae. My kind don't follow the human rules. The human realm has no jurisdiction over me.

If I was to kill him, I would've gotten away with it in a heartbeat. And his death would've been slow and painful. The weasel after a while will tell Mathew he saw me with the baby. I get to do what I want to with Mathew.

Grandma and grandpa were going to kill him. But I said it was for me to do it. He hit me more than three times, I didn't lie to you. I just couldn't bring myself to say I was his punching bag"

"I know it was more than three times Stiles. Your heartbeat didn't say you lied, just that perhaps it wasn't the whole truth. I've a counselling certificate and do volunteering at our local Omega Abuse Centre. You learn to listen to what people don't say, you've killed on the hunt haven't you?"

"Many times in the five years I was with my grandparents. I have to show my people I'll be a strong queen some day. Plus being on a hunt did wonders for my stress levels.

If it makes you feel better they were all bad guys. Don't forget I'll be finishing up my placement starting Monday. And Ella will be looking after Emily full time, while everyone is working. When we get home I'm going to cook dinner for everyone and do some baking".

"Stiles was in the kitchen making biscuits when Derek comes in.

"I'm not upset about you killing there is reasons people don't tangle with the Fae. Your ex will cause trouble but we don't want to cause a pack war remember that".

That evening everyone complimented Stiles on the food. There was a phone call in the middle of dinner. To say someone had thrown a movital cocktail at the Hales restaurant.  Luckily because of Stiles new wards. No real harm was done to the place and everyone working there was safe. Derek and his father left the dining table to go see the damage.

When they came back they reported everything was fine. Just some shake up customers and staff.

"The Hales had CCTV but it wasn't working for some reason.

"It's seems like an inside job someone must of known to switch off the cameras at that exact moment", says Derek.

"Are there any out of Towner's who were employed there?" Ask Stiles.

"It could have been someone from this town just as much as an outsider", says Talia.

"It can't be Leo he wasn't in the restaurant. When we were talking about you owning it Derek", says Stiles.

"There were people in the restaurant who had relatives who worked for us. They wouldn't do something like this  to make the place close down either. It would be literally taking away the means for their love ones to live".

"We wait for the person or persons to make their next move. While making inquiries my deputies are taking statements as we speak", says David.

"So, Stiles it must be nice to be able to finish up your placement with Alan", says David changing the subject.

"It really is not to mention the commute is a hundred time better for me. I can't wait till my course is over so I can spend several months with Emily. Before starting work as a paid employee of Deaton in the fall".

Stiles and Derek were in the middle of taking a walk after dinner, "Mathew is going to come for Emily" .

"He can come all he wants a blood test will prove you're her father not him. Right now showing whoever try to light the restaurant on fire. It's open again for business. Spending as much time with our daughter should be our top priorities.

"Stiles you and Emily are my family I will protect you both with my life".

"We should get married so I carry the last name Hale as well".

"You're still scared of him but we've only known each other for couple weeks, Stiles I would be using your fear of him to get what I hope to get in the long run".

"You're not taking advantage of me, yes I was in a shitty situation with that moron. And yes I was scare if I left him I had no one to turn to and he knew that. Which meant he knew he could speak to me anyway he wanted to. And lay his hands on me. In the end I didn't have the courage to get myself and my baby out of his house. He had to throw me out".

Stiles looks Derek straight in the eye, "I'm finding that courage now to do what's best for me and my daughter, that is marrying you. We'll keep getting to know each other like we're now and sex is still off the table. I want to do this I want our little family".

"We'll get married but I have one request. When visiting packs come to the house we need to sleep in the same bedroom. Or it will look odd to them".

"I'll do you one better I'll share your bedroom from the date we get married. Ella can have my old room. There will still be no sex while getting to know each other".

"I can live with those terms", Derek smiles broadly at her.

Six weeks later Stiles and Derek were married. They return from their honeymoon in Bali where they had a wonderful two weeks.

Stiles enjoyed just having a good time again. It had been so long since she let her hair down. The plane ride to Bali was Stiles first time on a plane. Derek enjoyed having his mate now legally his wife by his side. He could see Stiles was unburdened and happy.

Stiles and Derek were showing pictures from their honeymoon to his family. In the living room on a big screen tv. A picture came up of Stiles in a red bikini with Derek laying his head on her lap. They both had a look of contentment on their faces.

Stiles turns to Derek who was sitting beside her on the sofa and kiss him, Derek stilled it was the first time since the wedding day. Stiles had kissed him and the second time ever.

He kisses her back and smiles at her while they continued the slide show.  Stiles and Derek held hands, hugged and even snuggled in bed together.  This was the first time apart from the you may kiss the bride moment at the wedding.

Stiles showed any indication of wanting more from him. He would never demand she fulfilled her wifely duties in the bedroom. Derek knew it would take her sometime to truly trust a man again. Because she had been hurt enough for one lifetime.

I love how respectful Derek is of what Stiles went through but I also love how Stiles is coming out of her shell and finding out she's strong.  What will that mean now  for them with Leo sure to tell Mathew where she is. Will she go back in her shell?.

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