Percy P.O.V.

"FOR OLYMPUS!" I yell, with me, Artemis, and the hunters running towards the monster army. Artemis was in her 18 year old form, something that got a raised eyebrow from me but I didn't think much of it. When we reached halfway there, the hunters peeled off of me and Artemis and started running towards the 3rd, 4th, and 5th cohorts, providing reinforcements to the exhausted romans. Me and Artemis however continued running towards Polybetes. "I SMELL SEA SCUM!" shouts Polybetes. Great, I still smell.

"Romans, It's time to fight for your lives, your comrade's lives, Olympus, and for the rest of the world. We will hold our ground and defeat this enemy. For we may be outnumbered, but we have a stronger motivation. We fight for family and to defend our home, these monsters fight for nothing except power! Praetor Reyna, call your troops off of Polybetes, we've got this." I say, allowing some of my more serious side to take over and lead. Reyna looks confused at two figures saying they can take on a giant but just shrugs and instructs the 1st and 2nd cohorts to back up their brothers-in-arms. She does however, look at me with a look of whoever you are, we will speak after this! Eh.

"Romans, Receptum!" Shouts Reyna, signalling the retreat towards the main force of the romans. Me and Artemis stop about 5 yards from Polybetes, the romans and monsters still not fighting, all anxious to see the fight between the three of us.

"Polybetes, this ends now! Leave now, or be destroyed and be sent back to Tartarus. You are not the first giant I have slain, and you will not be the last!" I say. He's obviously not going to leave, but might as well give him the chance to save him the embarrassment.

"Foolish demigod, I am a giant, you need a god to kill me and I see no gods, just two demigods ready to be killed." Polybetes boasts, not used to Artemis appearing as a 18 year old.

"Sure, let's go with that. Ready Milady?" I ask. A smirk appears on her face.

"Of course, guardian."

"Well then, let's get started, shall we?" I ask. Polybetes is holding a trident, it's a weapon I don't face often but I know if well enough to know how to kill him easily. "Cover me." I say, directed towards Artemis, she just rolls her eyes and nods.

"Well, well, well, the demigod walks to his death. Few demigods have the strength to kill me, and you still don't have a god with you. I learnt my lesson from that Jackson boy last time I was here, I won't go near the Pomeranian Line this time, young demigod." I just smirk in response.

I run at the giant, his eyes narrow and he tries to impale me with his huge trident. I dodge to the side and use the shaft of the trident to run up towards the giant. His eyes widen and he tries to throw me off by swinging his trident back and forth but I jump off of it and land on his back. Flame plunges into his right hand, forcing him to release his grip on the trident. A stygian iron throwing knife to his left hand forces him to drop it completely. He howls in pain and grips Flame with his less damaged left hand and pulls it out, throwing it behind him. He then pulls out the throwing knife it throws it next to Flame. I smirk and pull out Nightmare, the sight of which makes Polybetes shiver. "You know what happens if I kill you with this right? No regeneration, no coming back, it's just over." I taunt. His face turns red and her runs at me bare handed. What an idiot. I slide baseball style through his legs, using the same trick I used with that crab on the Princess Andromeda, stabbing Nightmare where the sun doesn't shine. Gods, I sound like the hunters. Polybetes falls flat on his face. "Hey Polybetes, do you recognize this sword?" I ask, holding up Riptide. He has a look of confusion on his face before recognition flashes across his face.


"Yes me, now you're going to die and go to Tartarus. Got it? So tell whoever you're working for that Earth and Olympus is under MY protection, and I won't give it up no matter the cost. Now let me introduce you to my friend Artemis, she a goddess, you know what that means." I reply. "Milady, if you would?" I ask, noticing the two silver arrows poking out of the giant's kneecaps, must have helped him trip. "Gladly guardian." She pulls back her bowstring and strikes Polybetes in the small of his back. Ah, deja vu. How I love it, it seemed like only two days ago we defeated Gration together, oh wait, it was two days ago. Oh well. As Polybetes disintegrated into dust, I noticed the romans and the monsters hadn't fought since we arrived. Weird. At least it gave time for the romans to regroup and get in position. I grab Flame and my throwing knife and get ready for a fight.

Percy Jackson: The Betrayed GuardianTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon