Chapter 1

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A/n I also won't do face reveal for personal reasons.

Warning: Self-harm chapter. You've been warned.

Y/n was, and still is, a very depressed girl. She was also very lonely and pretended about being happy. Her depression started as long as she can remember. Her stepfather sexually abused her. She didn't know it was wrong until she was 12. She then told her mother and had therapy for a year. When she became 16, her mother died. She was then taken to an orphanage and there she still waits to be adopted while going to school.

"Time for school!"said a caretaker. I always get ready early. "I'm going to school!""See you when you get back then Y/n." I start walking to school and listen to BTS. BTS is the only band I listen to. I never had money to see them. My orphanage room is filled with BTS merchandise that I bought.

I arrive at school and get shoved up against a locker. Oh great, its Jennie and her friends. Her bully group is named Black Pink(I'm sorry if it offends you other k-pop fans). "Where is our homework? ""Here" I said handing them the homework. "Thanks. Here is your gift"Jennie says and signals the girls to beat me up. I collapsed on the floor and managed to say"Thanks". They beat me up some more and then went to class. Ringggggggg. I get up and go to class and just wait for the day to end.

~Time skip school ends~

I listen to BTS on the way back to the orphanage. Everyone knows BTS are hybrids and still love them so. I do too and I often wish I had a hybrid. I wonder if hybrids can adopt a human.

~Namjoons point of view ~

"We are done practicing. Everyone has the dance down." "Whooo!""Yay!""Alright!" We all start heading down to our dorms when my phone started to ring. I pick it up and PD. Nim wants us to his office. "Ok. Bye. We have to go to PD. Nips office right now.""OK." We head to his office and knock on his door. A faint "come in" is heard. We all enter the office and he says"You guys are going to visit an orphanage and adopt a child tomorrow." "Really?" "Yes. So please get ready and you have to agree to pick out a child. Alright?" "Yes, PD. Nim." We walk out of the office and start discussing on what gender the kid will be. We all decided it would be a girl.

Jin ran to the store and grabbed as much girl stuff he could. Once he came back he started getting a room ready. The only stuff he got was toys for her though. "Guys, we have a problem." Jin said. "What is the problem?"I asked. "Who is she going to sleep with or take over someone's room?" We all looked around and Yoongi said "I will share my bed with her." "Problem solved." I said.

~Y/n point of view~

I get to the orphanage and we were told to meet in the adoption room. Every kid and teen are here and a caretaker says "Tomorrow, important people are going to come here to adopt someone. That is all. Any questions?" I raised my hand and asked "Who is it that's so important?" "BTS." "Really?!" "Yes. Now everyone go to bed." "Yes ma'am." I walk to my room and grabbed my pocket knife that my family gave me. I open the pocket knife and slit my wrist three times. I started crying and stopped cutting my wrists. I then lifted up my shirt and started to cut my stomach. I stopped and bandaged myself. I then fell asleep and waited for tomorrow to come.

A/n: how was this chapter? Please tell me your opinion about it. I will try to update as often as I can. Thank you! Fighting!

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