2 ~ staring

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~ Sophie's pov ~

I woke  up and saw my laptop closed but still rested on the bed with a note next to my bed and saw that it had ruels name on it.

Dear Soph,
Sorry I had to leave, it was getting late and I didn't want to wake you up.  You looked cute sleeping ( not in a creepy way but I just saw ur lil face).  Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, I'll see you soon xx

I smile at the letter and take a photo of it before sending it to ruel.

I looked cute? Yeah sounds about right

Don't get too cocky

You coming over today?

Why, miss me?

           No but Luke might not be happy ur hanging out with me and not him...
I'll be there xx

You laugh at his text and put down your phone. You get changed into some sweatpants and plain white singlet top before putting on some socks and going downstairs.

It's currently 1pm and you decide to bake.
You decide to make a batch of brownies because it's really hard to go wrong when it comes to brownies.

Just as the timers about to go off, I hear the door open and two boys enter the kitchen. Luke and Ruel both sit down at the kitchen counter before Luke says "what are you cooking, ugly".

I scoff and say "with that attitude nothing you can eat." Before pulling the brownies out of the oven and putting them on the counter in front of them.

I start cutting up the brownies and as Luke is talking away to Ruel, I notice him staring at me. I look up at him and smirk at him before going to the cupboard and jumping up to get a plate, even though I'm quite tall, being 5 foot 10, the cupboard was really high.

Once I had successfully gotten three plates, I walk back over to the counter where I see Ruel still staring at me. I put a brownie on each plate before putting once in front of each of the boys and then sitting to eat once myself.

"Thankyou my angel sister" Luke says before digging into his brownie.

" thanks soph" ruel says looking me in the eyes.

I smile and walk away before saying "don't worry boys"

About 20 minutes later I hear both of the boys coming up the stairs, most likely to play video games in Luke's room. I accidently left my door open and as the boys walk past, I see Ruel peek his head through and gives me a quick wave.

~ Ruel's pov ~

I walk past Sophie's room and see her laying on her bed and I can't help thinking about last night and how I got to spend time with her. I'm currently sitting in Luke's room, watching him play video games. I don't even know, why I come to play video games with him, I only ever watch him play and I just want to spend time with Sophie.

After about 15 minutes of watching Luke play games, he gets a text from his so called girlfriend who he is always fighting with him to go over to her house. He looks at me and shows me the text, I roll my eyes and tell him to and hang out with 'Kandy'.

He legitimately runs out of the house leaving me there alone, sitting in his room. I get up and take the opportunity to talk with Sophie. I walk into her room and give a small knock, on the side of the door before poking my head through.

She smiled when she saw me, which made my heart race.

"Let me guess, Luke left you to go and fuck Kandy?" she says making me laugh.

"something like that" I say before sitting on her bed.

"Why do you put up with it? Like I know he's my brother, but he's a dick and leaves you all the time to go and sleep with his fake ass girlfriend who breaks up with him every second week, when you have been his friend since you were like 3, it sounds kinda dumb."

She says making me shocked.

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