"What's wrong, want something different?" The vender's gravelly voice hurt my ears. His greasy blonde hair and horrible BO made him a nuisance to all my senses.

"Your head on a platter would be nice," I mumbled.

"You'll keep such comments to yourself,"

"Make me," I snarled showing fangs. Unless I'm hurt I don't need blood unlike full vampires. I get a lot of their advantages as well as my mother's so it makes me stronger.

The vender only gave a cruel smile and whistled.

"How many?" the 'trainer' didn't even look at me.

"10 should do," normally that would be minimal but in my condition 10 lashes would knock a human out of commission for days.

I'm half starved, battered, and I think one of my ribs is broken. If I was human I would be half dead.

When the guard reached into my cage and grabbed my wrist I pulled back, hard. The guard's head thudded into my cage and I latched onto his neck.

The bitter hot liquid ran down my throat and lit every cell in my body alive. A small purr sounded in my chest, the man was definitely a vampire but being a hybrid the type of blood made no difference to me unlike a full vampire.

Careful to leave the man alive I detached from his neck before being yanked out of the cell by my hair. The vender was fuming but I only smiled at him, it was only fair they felt part of the fear pets did daily.

"He's still alive, isn't he? That makes him very lucky," I would be punished no matter what I said and being momentarily healed was a nice feeling. In all honesty the guard probably deserved to die but I refuse to kill anyone that hasn't proved that it was fitting.

"I guess I'll just punish you myself then," The vender practically pulled my arm out or socket getting me to the lashing pole in the back.


Strapped to the lashing pole with handcuffs I listened to the vender walk around. This was the only part that scared me, the actual punishment.





Lines of sharp pain erupted on my back as I whimpered. Each time one line crossed over another I grit her teeth, even if I could kill the vendor I had no plan with what to do after. Waiting for the whipping to be over I felt the blood run down my back.





But that wouldn't be the worst part, no the worst part would be when it stopped and started to heal. My adrenaline would be gone and I would feel the rawness on my back and how the wounds would stretch every time I moved. I pitied humans who had to feel the sensation for days.




The whip finally came to a halt and I breathed slowly trying not to hurt my back. Hot water poured over my back causing me to scream and growl at the same time, the mix was terrifying even to my own ears.

The vendor would pay for this dearly, hell maybe I'd torture him so he understood how it felt. Stuck with my own sick, twisted thoughts I gripped the handcuffs until the chain bent.

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