Demons Should Think Alike part 3

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(Your pov)
I heard when he said those words but I refused to look up so I kept my eyes on Lulu since she needed me most.

"You know y/n, Lucy or Lulu you call her she hasn't really been honest to you and I am surprised you didn't really didn't know what it was she was hiding" I hear Mason say but like again I am not gonna look up at him "What is he talking about?" I asked Lulu and she looked away from me for a moment until she decided to look back up at me "I'm sorry n/n I just..." She paused for a moment until she pulled something that was wrapped around her neck...

It was a necklace

I remember that necklace

I gave Destiny that necklace

"S-so you are Destiny?" I questioned her and she nodded "After I got out the hospital I changed my look a little so when I bumped into you that night you couldn't tell who I was" She said while staring at me

"See y/n you can't even trust people you meet" I hear Mason said and with the sound of his voice I can tell he was amused by what was actually happening "So I thought you were my new friend but..." I stopped and looked at her with a smile "I knew somewhat it was you Destiny" I say with a smile on my face.

(Destiny pov)
"I knew somewhat it was you Destiny" I hear y/n say which made me eye her in her e/c orbs

"How did you know?" I questioned her and she smiled as I can see in the corner of my eye that Mason was standing there with his arm crossed as if we actually made him angry and deep down that me feel like I won the power here

"You see Destiny, when I first bumped into you as you introduced yourself that same look you gave me when we were little sparked into my mind but I didn't want to realize that it could be you because I thought I finally met someone that might be my new friend" I hear y/n say as she smiled lightly

"I'm sorry y/n I just didn't know if you wanted to see me or not after what happened between you and I" I say as I suddenly winced and tightly closed my eyes and y/n looked at me "Destiny?!" I can hear her yell at me but the feel of my whole body being on fire was too much I could hardly think at all with this feeling

(Your pov)
I looked at Destiny and looked up at Mason who seemed to be smiling at the state that Destiny was in I finally got up and stared at Mason and he looked at me with an expression of amusement

"What did you do to Destiny?" I asked him and he smiled lightly as he took me as a joke "I'll explain to you what exactly I said to your demon Bendy over there" he said as he started walking slowly closer to me "Destiny and I have something that was kept between the two of us" I hear Mason says as I felt a strange surge of rage flash over me

"So it's true you do have some speck of demon power in you" I heard Mason said and I shook my head slightly "Whatever you are doing to Destiny it needs to stop" I say with pure confidence and at first I was kinda scared what this Mason boy was doing but I felt myself to not become so scared if him so I walked closer to Destiny and I lightly grabbed her in my arms before jumping up and landed back down on the ground but next to Inky

"Keep an eye on Destiny. I need her in a safe spot so that Mason can't do anything to her" I say to her and Inky slightly nodded while I can see Bendy in the corner of my eye to see Bendy looking at me and looked at him and smiled slightly "Don't worry Bendy I'll be fine" I tell him before he looked at me and nodded his head and I smiled before walking closer back to Mason

"Destiny isn't some toy you can just play around with Mason" I tell him and he looked at me with a smile "You really are something my sweet y/n. Even your eyes turn red" he said and I smile "You aren't the only one who has some anger that was built up inside of you" I say and he looked at me with a smile before I looked at him

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