Get to know the character (Crstyal)

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Hi there, My name is Crstyal the cat and I was drawn by Joey Drew and Henry but I was brought to life by y/n and the ink machine.
I really don't know much about the world since Bendy, Boris and Alice was here before me and Dylan was here. Y/n shown me many things and me and the other toons was living with her and it was very fun until the thing with Destiny and with Rosie becoming obsessed over Dylan was kinda working everyone up. I haven't really seen Destiny but she seems to be a girl from y/n's childhood and from the looks of what happened it seems they don't have a stable friendship and I think y/n agrees.  Rosie, she is a old friend of y/n and her big brother Jax. She became lovesick or lovestruck when she first met Dylan and even though I really don't want to admit it Dylan did ended up hurting her and killing her but thanks to Bendy knowing how the ink machine works he was able to bring her back as a cartoon but she still looks like a human and even though I felt angery and sad about Rosie hurting Dylan which I basically consider my son I had and really wanted to forgive her for what she did after she apologized to me and if I hadn't I would had guess y/n would probably would be sad not having her friend around.
After y/n saved Dylan from Alice me and Boris became more close with one another and we had a connection and we both felt that way. He is so sweet and loving and he doesn't really get involved with stuff that has happened unless he has to and at least he is being honest. When I first saw Boris I only thought of him as a friend and not a boyfriend and when he told me he felt the same way that really mad me feel less embarrassed about falling for him.
And if I could explain my family in one word I would say caring because they all care about each other and yes one out of all of them can be overprotective over his girl and you all should know who I mean.(Bendy- Ha ha very funny! It's my job to protect y/n) Like I said.

I guess that's all I have to say and I will see you in the next chapter. And the next get to know the character is Jax

I hope you guys are enjoying the get to know the character! I really love doing them but Like I said before it's not about me it's about you the lovely readers.
And that's all for now I will see you in the next chapter 😘😘😘

Miri out🖤🖤🖤

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