A Different Demon

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(Dylan dream world)
I don't know where I am. All I know is that I'm just in a big room that's filling up with ink than, I see someone far away from me "Hey!" I called out while towards the person than stopped in my tracks seeing who it... My demonic form of myself.

Why the hell are you here?

Well, I am you and you're me so... What do you expect?

Where am I?

Your are in your dreams

What did you do to Rosie?

Heh, you are still worried about her after what she done to you?

That's not a answer to my question. What. Did. You. Do. To. Rosie?

I killed her

Why would you do that?! She hasn't done anything wrong to me... Oh yeah

Exactly, that's why I killed her. She was a pain in my horns so I got rid of her for good.

You know I don't like to kill innocent people

You call that crazy yandere girl innocent?! She literally... I mean literally! Kidnapped you Dylan or should I say me

Okay, she might be a yandere but... I actually liked her

Of course you do Dylan you like everyone

No. It's different this time. I like her more that a friend

Wow Dylan has a little crush on Rosie or should I say yandere girlfriend?

I'm not playing. Well, do you at least know what happened when I was awake before I got knocked out?

Of course! Well... I tried to kill Jax and before I could Bendy the little ink Devil stabbed me in the neck before I could finish him off

Okay, inky first off... Why on Earth did you try to kill Jax?! He has done nothing wrong

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