Surprisingly Emotional

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(Bendy Pov)
Okay, Let's get something straight. I know for a fact that I am not the only person that noticed that y/n is acting very emotional lately. And what I mean is that any little thing that happens it ticks her off like for example...

(Flashback 1 week ago...)
"These are so good!" Dylan. Said as he stuffed the cookie in his mouth "Yeah, You did great" Joey said smiling "Crstyal, you are making me a batch all for me" Jax said as he took the last cookie off the plate "What about y/n?" Rosie asked sitting on the couch "She will be fine" Jax said as he ate the last piece of the cookie "Well, let's just see what she says" I say with my arms crossed "Hey guys!" You say as she walked downstairs and smiled at everyone and they waved "I smell cookies" you say "I'm sorry y/n. They're all gone" Crstyal said and your smile turned into a blank expression "Who... took the cookie?" You asked turning to face everyone and everyone pointed to Jax "Sorry" He said and you gave him a evil smile "Uh... Y/n are you okay?" Jax asked you and you walked towards him still smiling "My cookie" you say as you jumped onto Jax causing him to fall as you repeatedly Punching him "Y/n!" Joey yelled as you snapped your head towards him as you had red glowing eyes and he stepped back "Nevermind" He said putting his hands in the air
(End of flashback...)

And not only that she is very sensitive too. And me being a demon I am not good with sad like emotions if you know what I mean...

(Flashback 1 week ago...)
"Stop cheating toots!" I yelled at y/n and she only giggled "I'm not! And you're not going to beat me anyway" she as her eyes stayed on the T.v.

"I won!" I yelled jumping off the couch "we can play again" I say as I stared back at her and I see that she's crying "We can have a rematch" I say as I pay her back "Bendy Dancing Demon!" Rosie yelled as she ran into the living room and hugged y/n "What did you do? And... Do not lie to me I can smell if you are telling the truth" Rose said looking at me with serious look on her face and I instantly got scared "I didn't do anything! I would never hurt her" I say putting my hands in the air to prove that I was innocent "Yeah right" she say turning away from me...
(End of flashback...)

It was too much for me. I think there's something wrong and we can't just keep her at home cause she needs to go to school. I will figure it out as I go.

(Your pov)
I was in bed. I wanted to go to school but I felt terrible. First, I was hot than, I am freezing cold! And I was so hungry but for some reason I didn't eat any of the food in the fridge and it taste terrible to me and I couldn't keep it in my mouth my body wouldn't take it.

After a few minutes of laying there trying to take a nap Bendy walked in. "Are you okay toots?" He asked me and I shook my head "I'm hungry. And nothing in the fridge helps" I say "I have something that might help" He said smiling "It better be something that I can keep in my stomach" I say smiling as he took out something that looked like a water bottle and the liquid inside was black "What is this?" I asked "Ink. Just try it" He says giving it to me and I took a small sip and it actually tastes really good and I kept drinking it until it was gone "See? told you. Now, get some sleep" Bendy said as he kissed my cheek and I smiled as he walked out the door and left me as I slowly fell into the wonderful feeling of sleep.

(Bendy pov)
I knew I was right! With y/n having ink powers she just experiencing some side affects but I been through it all. I know exactly know what to do until it ends in about a week or so.

(Time skip)
"Come on Dylan!" Rosie yelled trying to pull the demon off the couch "I'm not going back there! She kidnapped me!" Dylan yelled as his tail swayed faster behind him "Remember, I talked to her. She won't try anything" Rosie yelled smiling as Dylan finally got up off the couch "You promise?" Dylan asked "I promise" Rosie said kissing his cheek "I trust you Rose" Dylan said smiling "Where are you guys going?" Crstyal asked "Rosie is taking me to visit her mom" Dylan said smiling "Okay, just be safe" Crstyal said smiling "And don't forget I'm going too" Jax said as he walked into the living room "I was gonna asked you for a ride anyway" Rosie said as she walked out the door smiling "We will stay and watch y/n" Joey said "Okay" Jax said "Come on Dylan!" Jax yelled "Coming!" Dylan said as he ran downstairs in his human form "Bye guys!" Dylan said before running out the door.

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