A day without y/n

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(your Dreamworld)
I was back at the studio. There was nothing but complete darkness from what I see. I hear footsteps so I followed as ink drips off walls and onto the floor and the room when I was reunited with Bendy was still there but with ink and... Bendy!
"Bendy!" I say running closer to the room but it wasn't my same Bendy. It was the evil ink version of Bendy than he noticed me "Bendy?" I say and he looked at me with the evil smile that was always on his face when he is in this form. He walked closer to me while I backed away from the demon until... I hit the wall and he stood there just looking at me with just a smile nothing else but that and he suddenly grabbed me by my neck "B-Bendy!" I yelled as I was struggling for air and he raised me higher to his face "What the-" I was cut off by Bendy putting his claw like hand over my mouth "No cursing y/n. This is a child friendly show" he said to me in a demonic voice "What's wrong with you!?" I asked as I was trying to snap him out his state that he was in "I wanted to do this for a long time y/n. I killed everyone for us to together" Bendy said smiling even more evily "You killed everyone? What's wrong with you?!" I yelled at him "You made it very tempting to go after you. I was holding it off for a little while longer but... What's the point. Don't you think?" He asked me and I was scared for what he meant as suddenly I felt his tail wrap around me thigh "Bendy..." I said as my fear in the demon grew more than what it already was "You know I do a lot of things because I love you. But... You have other people in your heart which I don't appreciate at... All. But... If you haven't noticed a long time ago when we met I promised to myself that I will make you mine. Whether you like it or not" Bendy said as I felt his breath and everything went black...

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