22- Chilling with my new guy friend

Start from the beginning

I sighed as I turned left and began to march to the mess hall, that's where all the soldiers and cadets ate. Thanks god there were no soldiers at the moment, or else the line would take forever. If you thought lunch lines at school were long. *scoffs* well these were worse. Especially since you were tired and starving.

Once we got outside the mess hall, we were filled out and into the building. The camp site was like any other army camp site. If you don't know what it looks like. Picture loads of long buildings and some small two story buildings spread across a large area. There was a main shop here. There were roads, car parks, a basketball court, trees grass. It was hard to describe really.

We had to take of our berays once we had gotten inside the mess hall. Berrays are the hats that soldiers. The building looked like a giant school dinner hall or cafeteria as the Americans say. Just without the teachers, or lockers, or students. Just cadets, lots and lots of cadets....

I could smell the food as I walked inside the building. Stuffing my berray into my empty rank slide I turned around and began to talk to Kamila. Nisa was in front of me, she was talking to one of the boys.

"Olala" I said to Kamila, gesturing to Nisa and the boy.

"Haha" She laughed.

"Get in there!" I said to Nisa.

"Shut up." Nisa scoffed.

"Well it should be him getting in but alright." I joked.

"Lol." Kamila chuckled.

Maybe it will be Nisa that gets the boyfriend this camp I thought. As I turned around I saw that more of the boys were starting to come in, Callum and some year 9's came in.

We had all sat on the same table once we had our food. After eating it we went back to our billets. I put down my cup and knife and fork. I didn't need it at the moment. There was no time to put it away, so I had left it on my bed.

It was the first day of week one, today was rifle shooting. I had passed my weapons handling test. I was really bad and have no idea how I passed. I got kicked of the shooting range for being a 'Hazard to myself and others'. I wasn't the best of shooters, I may or may not have shot the floor a few-Some-Allot...Well Most of the times. I missed the target completely and hit the ground. How? I have no idea.

I still had my licence, they must have forgotten to remove it. It hadn't expired yet. I had forgotten everything. Even the basic N.S.P (Normal Safety Procedure). So they kind of took the riffle away from me.....

Oh well, I actually couldn't be asked to do anything today. Apparently we could shoot the air riffles though. We literally had a free day, we couldn't go back to the billets. What we could do was sleep on the grass until lunch.

I for one, was on team sleep. Anyone else?

As I walked over to the other kids who either; are new, missed last camp, or failed the last weapons handling test. If they didn't shoot last February they couldn't shoot now. Allot if the older kids were annoyed about this.

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