We Miss You

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"I wish you were here beside us. I- We miss you."


TW: Character death

This one is gonna be short because I just wanna get something posted

Keith always loved Lance. He and Shiro both. The three of them were in a relationship, Keith, Shiro, and Lance.

Shiro usually babied both of them, being the most dominant out of the three of them, being really affectionate, etc.

Keith was just affectionate to both of them, and would choose his boyfriends over many, many things.

Lance was the clingy but in the best way kind of boyfriend. He would take naps with Keith or Shiro, and if he were lucky, he'd get both, and he'd cuddle right up to them. They'd never admit it, but Keith and Shiro enjoyed it almost more than lance himself did.

Their relationship was perfect.

So do tell why everything went wrong?

Lance screamed as Galra soldiers grouped up and started attacking him.

"Keith! Shiro! Anyone!" Lance yelped as he tried to dodge as best as he could. There were too many soldiers, so many to the point where Shiro and Keith would have trouble just trying to get them off.

Shiro quickly fought off his share of soldiers and started running towards Lance, "I'm on my way!" He yelled back to Lance, "Hang on!"

Lance tried his best to fight them off, and he was doing a really good job.

Keith too, had started running towards Lance, but said no words. He didn't need to, Shiro and Lance already knew he was coming over.

They all got rid of the soldiers, Hunk and Pidge rushing over to see if everyone was okay. Lance nodded, still out of breath.

"We're fine." He smiled happily before heading towards Blue, "We should get going now."

Everyone nodded in agreement, "Yeah, Allura's waiting, anyways." Hunk said with a chirp.

He didn't see it coming. A Galran soldier had snuck into Blue, and had waited for everyone to leave before Lance did.

When everyone has lifted off the ground, he struck.

The soldier shot at Lance's back, landing three hits on the boy.

Hurt. That was all Lance felt as he turned around wide eyed, bayard activated despite his pain.

Lance narrowed his eyes, "How did you get in here?" He muttered angrily, and was kind of happy the soldier didn't reply.

The soldier began firing again, landing more shots successfully, to Lance's dismay. Lance's and the team's, now that they heard what was happening.

Red had turned around and started flying quickly towards blue, as fast as Red could go.

Lance landed two shots even though he was dying. He could've focus and was heavily injured, and he knew he was going to die when the galran shot him on his shoulder, and his stomach. Lance frowned and shot the Galra, landing all the right shots, successfully killing him.


Lance tapped in to communicate to the team.

He knew he was going to die.

"Guys?" He chokes out, "I-I'm dy-ing," he coughed out blood, "I kno-w I a-am. I ju-just want yo-u guys to-to know t-that I lo-love you all.." he was bleeding all over the place as Keith and Shiro rushed in.

Lance's eyes flickered to look outside as Pidge and Hunk flew in.

Lance brought a shaky hand to caress Keith's face as Shiro held the bloody paladin in his arms, "I lo-love you t-two s-o much.." he cooed happily, and kissed them both even if it hurt like hell.

"I'll alwa-ys lo-love.... you guy-s..." Lance said to the team, and he felt himself start to black out, "I-I'm... sorry.."

And he was gone. It hurt. Losing their blue paladin hurt.

He didn't have to go, Lance. It was too soon.

Keith and Shiro held hands as they stood in front of Lance's room. They both walked in, holding hands, and inside was a memorial-like shrine for Lance. His portrait with flowers, a few candles dotted about, and all of the little things he loved.

They both felt their eyes water. They missed him. They loved- love Lance.

They'd never forget. How could they? He was one of the best things that has ever happened to both of them.

They missed him.

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