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"Why can't I be a favorite too?"


TW: Suicide, mentions of self harm

If there was one thing Lance noticed, it was that Shiro had favorites. In order, it was Keith, Pidge, Hunk, Allura, and Coran. Notice how Lance wasn't on that list?

Well, easy answer. He wasn't a favorite at all. It was like Shiro hated him- wait.. he probably did. Never Mind, he did.

Shiro was always yelling at him but being kind and soft to the others. Shiro was always nagging at Lance, picking at every little thing that Lance does wrong, but not caring when it came to the others.

Obviously, the others have noticed this too, but instead of having any sympathy, they simply were happy they weren't him. Lance couldn't blame them, he would've done the same.

Lance was playing a space board game with Hunk. They found the game at the space mall, and they traded some little pieces of tech that had no value but tricked the trader into trading for it. Yes, that was cheap of them to do so, but it wasn't their fault the trader was gullible.

He had almost won the game when Shiro walked into the room with a slight smile on his face. His eyes scanned the room to see the happy Paladins, and Lance didn't miss the way his eyes didn't shine or sparkle when they fell on him.

Lance sighed softly in sadness and was about to roll the die when Shiro had spoken up.

"Lance, have you done your share of the chores?" Shiro asked with a hard voice. It was obvious that he knew that Lance did it, but he asked anyway.

Hunk shared a look of sympathy with Lance before the blue paladin gulped and said, "Y-Yeah. I finished. I finished em all, and since I have nothing to do, I'm just chillin' with Hunk.."

"Maybe you should hit the training room then."

Lance blinked in shock, "B-But-"

"But what? You have been getting rusty after all, and it seems that what you're doing isn't very important. Plus, Hunk probably doesn't mind." Shiro said, not liking Lance's presence alone.

Lance felt his eyes water and his heartbreak in two slightly and he stood up, head hanging low. He ignored the looks of pity Keith and Pidge we're giving him and hurried out of the room.

Lance pushed the bot to the group using his gun, "Die!!" He shrieked in pure and utter frustration, a few tears seeping out of his eyes. Of course, defeating the bot meant he got to move on to the next level, but he was still surprised when the bot disappeared, leaving him to fall on his face.

"Ouch!" He yelped and rubbed his now sore nose.

Lance had been training for three and a half hours now, his fuel being his frustration towards Shiro's painfully obvious favoritism.

He sat up sadly, letting his shoulders slump as he sighed in disappointment.

Just what has he done wrong? Why did Shiro hate him so much? Was it something he said?

Lance didn't realize that he had been walking to his room until he was actually in the said place, lying down on his bed.

Now tears of frustration were no longer cascading down his face, and in their place were tears of sadness.

"I, I want to be a favorite too..." his voice came out in a broken whisper, voice cracking and sad.

He remembered the way Shiro would treat everyone. Kindly and calmly, and he then compared it to how he was treated.

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