Space Family..

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"What.. what happened? Why are you treating me like this?"


TW: self harm, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts

"Shut up, Lance! Just shut up for once! Can't you do that?!"

Lance winced and felt tears well up in his eyes as Keith yelled at him.

The others seemed to nod in agreement, even Coran.

"Can't you just do what you're told?!" Pidge added with a slight snarl at the end, "Geez, you're so annoying!"

Lance felt his heart ache at the terrible words, and nodded meekly. "I-I'm Sorry." He said quietly, head hanging low, and for a second, they felt bad.


No, he's the annoying one of the group. The goofball that didn't listen to anyone but Shiro's orders. The one that was stubborn and didn't know how to do anything.

Lance turned and went to his room to cry while curled up in a ball.

"Don't you think we went a little too far this time?" Hunk spoke up quietly, "I think we hurt his feelings this time." He said, recalling his hurt and shattered expression.

Now that he thought about it, Lance had the same expression every time they blew up at him.

"...and every other time?" Keith added to Hunk's statement. "Who cares? It's Lance. Not like he matters at all."

Hunk blinked a bit, "What? But he has feelings too!"

"Well who gives a damn about his feelings? If it really hurt him, then he would have said something." Pidge snapped angrily, shutting Hunk down completely.

Not having anything else to say, Hunk turned and went to his room to think.

Lance had heard the entire thing. That just proved his team didn't give a damn about him. Lance felt like bawling his eyes out.

Well it's not everyday you find out your "space family" hates your guts.

Was it because he was too fat? Too weak? Not strong enough to take the merciless words his team could offer? Was it because he was too loud? Spoke too much? Then should he just... stop?

Yeah... yeah, that's what he needs to do.

They'll love him then if he just stopped whatever they didn't like. Right?

That's how it worked? He'll get the love he always wanted, right?

This is how friendships are supposed to be. If you don't fit the mold, then force yourself to.

And that was exactly what Lance was going to do.

Lance was early to breakfast the next day, but he wasn't eating anything. Not only was he not eating, but he wasn't smiling or saying anything, to the team's relief.

That relief would turn into regret.

2 weeks later and Lance had been training for six hours straight every day and he still didn't plan on leaving until the seventh hour. The more he trained the faster he'll be cared for. Right?

He slammed his bayard into the bot angrily, thinking about how stupid and worthless he was and felt. He should've known this is why he was treated like garbage.

Lance sighed as he finished the Level, and was ready to started another one.

I think I'm on Level 21 now... Lance thought to himself as he opened his mouth to request a Level.

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