It Goes Away

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"I've never dealt with this before, but it'll go away."


TW: Self harm, self loathing

Now, Lance hadn't always felt like this. Felt sad, lonely all the time, and overall just horrible. He used to feel happy, joyful, full of hope, and everything else.

But where did it all go wrong?

When he joined Voltron.

He started to get more sadder, more glum, and more negative. It was strange, he admit, but he assumed it would simply just.. go away. Everything goes away at some point, why is this any different? He only feels this way because everyone better than him-

No, Lance. Don't think like that...

Totally not because it's obvious no one likes him, and that he isn't needed here. No-

It's going to go away. The cutting will go away. His self hate will go away. This unbearable sadness will go away. He'll be the same again, and he can do this alone. He can do this alone.

Lance slumped in the corner of his room, not having the energy to fuss over his appearance anymore.

He can do this alone because he was always alone-

No, no.. You're not alone.. No, you're not alone.. you aren't alone, you aren't alone, you aren't alone-

"I-I'm alone..." He broke down into sobs.

Lance sat idly as his team talked about their next plans happily.

Hunk turned to Lance, "Lance, what do you think we should do?" He chirped. Lance immediately snapped out of his thoughts as he realized his best friend was talking to him.

"U-Uh whatever you guys want. I'm just the sharpshooter," He said nonchalantly, "I have to roll with it."

Keith blinked in shock, not expecting him to respond that way, "Wow, Lance backing down?" he rolled his eyes, "Shocker." he said sarcastically.

Lance shrugged, eyes looking down, "Yeah, I guess." He said before snapping out of it, "I-I mean, I just don't have anything to say!"

Yeah.. that was it. That was the reason why he suddenly lost the energy to do any of his favorite things. Talk to his friends, run around the castle, go fly blue time to time, boast about how great he was. That was why he had lost the energy.

Simply because he didn't have anything to say or do.

Lance sighed again as they all resumed their conversations, and he turned back to being alone in his own thoughts. Hopefully it'll all go away before they saved the universe. Hopefully it'll go away so that he can enjoy living, and not wanting to die instead.

Oh. His arms were itchy again. Maybe he could stop himself...

Okay... it's been 6 hours.. His arms still itched, though. Lance was afraid to change his bandages because when he did, he'd always feel the undying urge to just.. hurt himself. So he didn't, yet.

Lance strode into the common area, feeling a tiny smidge better, and had some energy to talk to his friends. When he got there, he saw everyone chatting together happily, and he went to go over to join them.


They looked so happy without him? They seem to be doing just fine.. maybe... maybe it was best if he didn't join. Maybe next time.

Maybe not at all, or again.

He was in his room, just sitting there and thinking.

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