Your Pain

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"Paladins, are you aware your Blue Paladin is in immense pain?"

The paladins visit a planet called (something that I shalln't name).

Allura told the Paladins to call their people "The Odditians" which were for the people who couldn't say their real name pronunciation. (Me-)

Coran stayed behind to watch the ship, while Allura and the paladins walked into the Odditian king's palace.

The Odditians are strange beings with the ability to feel one's emotions, and depending how strong the emotion is, they are able to feel their emotion without touching them, but usually they are able to feel one's emotions for a tick and a half. For example, if one was feeling giddy, if an Odditian tried to sense your emotions, they would feel giddy and a warm fuzzy feeling. If someone was feeling angry, they would feel a slight burn (harmless) and they would feel the anger.

The Paladins walked into the palace, and immediately Odditians swarmed, some of them grabbing Shiro or Keith's arm to feel their emotions, seeing as they looked strong.

Odditians who touched Keith suddenly became more excited, which meant that Keith was excited but just didn't show it.

The ones that tapped Shiro suddenly looked around in awe, meaning Shiro was marvelling at everything.

An Odditian who looked about 3 years younger than Lance accidentally bumped into Lance, and suddenly she cried out in pain. Everyone stopped chattering and all rushed to ask her what was wrong. She could only point to Lance, and she started bawling her eyes out.

Keith and Shiro stormed over to him, "Lance! Stop whatever you're doing!" They both scolded him, hurting Lance on the inside.

They turned to ask the Odditian what was wrong, when she suddenly hugged Lance, "I-I'm sorry! I-I'm so so sorry!" She sobbed into his chest, crying.

Lance smiled softly, "Hey, I know it hurts to touch me, so let's not do that," He smiled kindly, kneeling down to her height seeing as she was shorter.

An Odditian placed a hesitant hand on Lance's shoulder, and he too yelped, "Oh my- Paladin, why are you in so much.. so much pain!?"

Hunk chuckled in confusion, "Lance? In pain?" He chuckled, "Puh-lease. He's one of the happiest people on our ship!" He looked at Lance who was sweating nervously, "H-Heh.. You got it, bud."

The Odditian shook his head, "No, you are mistaken, Yellow Paladin. The Blue Paladin is in immense pain." He said, hand still on Lance's shoulder.

"Oh come on Lance, don't tell me you're still homesick. Man up!" Keith groaned, dragging a hand down his face.

The Odditian flinched, "Red Paladin, please refrain from making comments like that. The blue paladin gets even more sadder." He paused for a few moments, "And it seems that he doesn't recover from comments like those."

"Seriously? Just because he's a little sensitive?" Keith asked, genuinely confused.

The Odditian reeled his hand back, yelping as he felt the pain and sadness get so bad, it hurt.

Lance hadn't said anything the entire party, keeping his head hung low. He had just sad there, rubbing his wrists for reasons no one knew.

He felt so... so bad. His pain had spread to innocent people, who didn't need to feel what he felt. He didn't want people to feel what he felt, the sole reason being; He deserved it, and they didn't.

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