My Family

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"Can't you think of others? We don't have our families, so be grateful."

TW: mentions of self harm

"God, Lance. Stop thinking of yourself for once and think of the people around you. Can't you think of others?" Pidge snapped as Lance tried to start a conversation about how he wanted to go home to see his family again.

He fell quiet and pursed his lips, tension rising in the room, "Oh.. my bad." he said softly, already used to being shut down.

The short girl scoffed, crossing her arms together, "Just be grateful that you even have your family." She scowled.

"I-I didn't mean it that way," Lance frowned, "I was just trying- You know what never mind." He muttered bitterly.

They never listened anyways.

"No offense Lance, but I have to agree with Pidge here." Keith piped up, a cruel smirk on his lips, "You just don't know when to shut up," his snarky tone made Lance scowl.

Lance's mask could only endure so much, so he snapped back saying, "Sorry Keith, but when were you in the conversation?" He placed his hands on his hips before leaving the dining room, feeling angry.

'My family isn't alive,' Lance thought with a heavy heart, pulling his knees up to his chest. That's what he had wanted to say to Pidge. He should've said it, maybe then they'd understand.

Lance adored his family. He always had. Even after they were all killed, and even after they got angry at him, they still loved him. Family was family, you don't get to choose. Lance was just lucky to be blessed with getting them.

He should've just kept his mouth shut.

Lance rolled up his sleeves, revealing angry red lines, some white from time. He traced every single one that he could, expertly avoiding any recent ones, and with a soft sigh he stood up to go shower.

After he exited the shower, he got dressed and left his room. He was about to walk into the common room, when he heard his team talking loudly behind the doors.

"Lance is lucky he still has his family." he heard Pidge say suddenly, "I just wish that he didn't brag about them all the time."

Lance was expecting Hunk to back him up, but his heart dropped when he heard Hunk hum in agreement.

"Yeah, we honestly couldn't care less."


Lance could hear Keith mocking and imitating him, followed by laughter from his "team".

Was this a joke? Did they know he was here and thought it was funny to play some sick prank on him? Or was this a dream gone wrong, or maybe-

No, no.. This it is.. This is how it always is. No one on the team really cared about Lance, no, they cared about Voltron. If they found a replacement for Lance, they'd kick him out in a second.

Lance got sick of hearing Pidge and Keith imitate him telling stories about his family, so he turned around and went to the training room, to clear his mind.

He didn't want to think about it. His family, being dead. He only spoke about the good times, and never about how his Dad was arrested for selling drugs, never spoke about his mom being an alcoholic, never said anything about how his Uncle was a child predator, and how his siblings were his family's slaves.

Lance had always said things about his siblings, and the good times they spent together. He occasionally spoke about his parents, but only about the times when his mom was sober and his dad was home, when his uncle actually had some dignity, and when they were all a family again.

He only wanted to remember those times.

Lance was harshly snapped out of his thoughts when the training bot socked him in the face, causing Lance to fall onto the floor.

He weakly called the level off, and cleaned up, preparing to go back to his room.

"Uh, Paladin, is something the matter?"

Lance turned around to see Coran, twirling his mustache a bit, "It seems that there is something bothering you."

Maybe he could tell Coran.

"Y-Yeah.." Lance whispered, "It's about my family," he winced, waiting for Coran to make a horrible excuse to get away.

But instead, the altean stayed. "Go on." Coran urged him to speak.

"They aren't alive." Lance said softly, and heard Coran take a sharp breath.

He lifted his gaze to meet Coran's, "W-What?" Coran finally got out, "I-I'm sorry for your loss, paladin." Coran awkwardly averted his gaze.

"It's just that you speak as if they're alive, so I was shocked when.." Coran trailed off.

Lance smiled slightly, "I only talk about the good times." He whispered fondly, "Anything else I'll try to forget."


Lance shrugged, "Bad memories." He said simply, eyes clouded over with negative emotions. "Don't want 'em."

"You should tell them."

There was a pause. But they thought his family was perfect.

It was anything but perfect.

"I can't, Coran. Thanks for the talk, though.." Lance stood up suddenly and walked away.

Which left Coran alone, sighing heavily as the blue paladin walked away with a few tears slipping down his tan cheeks.

Not as angsty, but I wanted to post something since I've taken a short break

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