Bellamy realises he'd been watching her for too long and decided now was a good time to make his presence known. He knocked on the open door and cleared his throat.

Clarke let out a tiny shriek and dropped her brush to the ground as she spun around.

"Jesus Christ Bellamy! You scared the shit outta me!" Clarke scolded.

"Not my intention." Bellamy held up his hands as though he was surrendering.

Clarke turned the music off and repositioned her canvas so Bellamy could no longer see it. Bellamy couldn't help but wonder why she would try and hide it, she was a great artist.

"What can I do for you?" Clarke asked, her breathing only just normal again.

"Nothing really, just wondered if we could talk?" Bellamy shrugged.

"About?" Clarke cocked a brow.

"About Octavia's party." Bellamy said. He didn't seem nervous at all, whereas Clarke's heart began racing.

"Which part?" Clarke asked. She swallowed hard.

"Well, all of it. Why you threw your phone? What caused the panic attack? Why did you kiss me?" Bellamy listed.

Clarke took a deep breath. She wondered how long it would be before Bellamy started asking questions about that night. Clarke slowly took a seat on her bed.

"I'm not really sure where to begin. I suppose you deserve an explanation, I just don't know how to explain it." Clarke sighed.

"You said your ex boyfriend found you. Why is that such a bad thing?" Bellamy asked.

Instead of answering his question, Clarke stood up and reached into her closet. She pulled out a small box. Bellamy watched her curiously as she opened the box and handed it to him.

"No one has seen these, not even my family. You have to promise me you won't tell anyone!" Clarke exclaimed.

Bellamy looked into the box to find it full of photos. But they weren't just ordinary photos. They were photos of different body parts, covered in cuts and bruises of all sizes. Bellamy felt sick looking through the photos and was about to question why Clarke would keep something so horrific. That was until he came across a photo of a face. A face with blonde hair and blue eyes. A face that was barely recognisable from all the bruising and swelling. Clarke's face.

"Are these all yours?" Bellamy said hoarsely.

Clarke nodded her head. "I took photos of everything he did to me. In case I was ever brave enough to finally tell the police. But I never was."

Bellamy didn't know what to say. What could anyone say? He finally understood why Clarke was so broken.

"Is that why you moved here?" Bellamy asked.

"Yes. Once I left him I knew I couldn't stay in Polis. But it looks like no matter where I go, he'll always find me." Clarke looked down at the floor. She felt stupid for showing Bellamy any kind of vulnerability.

"Come with me." Bellamy said suddenly.

"Where are we going?" Clarke asked, somewhat untrusting.

"Not far." Bellamy smiled gently.

Clarke hesitated slightly before following Bellamy. She didn't ask any questions as he lead her down the stairs and out the door. She didn't ask any questions when he opened the passenger door to his car, gesturing for her to get in. She didn't even ask any questions when he pulled out of the driveway and began driving.

It wasn't until they pulled to a stop. The car pulled up to a clearing, overlooking a large lake. Clarke had been here before, many years ago with her father. But she'd never seen it look so beautiful. The sun slowly beginning to set behind the trees, the pinky orange glow that reflected off the water. The quiet sounds of nature around her brought a sense of calmness over Clarke.

"I haven't been here in years." Clarke smiled, a small tear escaping her eye.

"This is where my Mother was murdered." Bellamy said quietly.

Clarke's head whipped around so fast, she wondered how she hadn't snapped her own neck.

"Bellamy, I'm so sorry." Clarke whispered. "My father was also murdered."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Bellamy said sincerely. "But that's not why I brought you here."

"Then why did you?" Clarke asked. For some reason though, she wasn't scared.

"Because this isn't just the place my mother was murdered." Bellamy kept his eyes firmly ahead of him the whole time and leant on the steering wheel. After a few moments of agonising silence, he turned his head to face Clarke.

"It's also where I killed the man who murdered my mother."

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