Chapter 7

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      I sat in my chair, in my office building for a solid twenty minutes. Completely dumbfounded, going over the previous conversation I just had with Parker:

    "Richards? We need to talk, I may have have found someone for you."

    "Oh really? Who?"

    "What I propose is a bit unorthodox, but hear me out."

      Feeling a bit unsure of his words, "This isn't exactly a hard sell Parker. Excuse me if I don't sound at all enthused about this."

      Giving a big dramatic sigh before expounding on his answer, he says, "Why not my submissive, Isis?"

     Pausing for a moment because I was unsure I had heard him correctly, "Care to repeat that?"

     "Hear me out. Obviously, this wouldn't be a permanent basis, but rather a trial basis. She's the perfect submissive for you to see if you settling down is something that you're actually ready for. Plus, this gives me a chance to see if I myself am ready to settle down."

     "Parker, I have NO idea what your thought process is, nor do I care. But if everyone involved is okay with this, to include Isis herself, then I suppose I'm on board." I said rather flatly. To be perfectly honest, this still threw me for a loop. I couldn't understand for the life of me why he would even be okay with this.

     I had seen pictures of Isis before with Donovan, however those pictures of her, did NOT do her beauty justice. Yes, her physical beauty is ethereal and otherworldly, but it was upon meeting her that I saw it was unparalleled. I swiveled around in my executive chair away from my desk so that I could stare into the life of the city below me. It had been completely silent from Parker on the other end, I had almost forgotten he was even on the phone, which meant he was just as contemplative as me.

     "Listen, I plan on going on vacation with Isis this week, let's make the exchange afterwards. I'll keep in touch and we can go over the details later."

     He hangs up and leaves me with more questions than answers. When I met Isis at the gala, I had already began to plan on how to have lunch with her without Parker lurking about. It was something about this woman that had intrigued me about her, and it wasn't just her submissive nature. I had been drawn to her like a moth to a flame, and I was all but ready to be burned with her passion.

     Deciding to forge ahead with my plan, regardless of what Parker had planned, I started making phone calls to schedule important meetings. About an hour later, still completely baffled of the exchange Parker and I just had, I took a break. See, this is where having a permanent sub would come in handy. I could lose myself completely in her body, and her reactions to my touching, teasing and playing with her. My beast had been locked in his cage for far too long, and he was itching to get out.

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