Chapter 15

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   Seeing Donovan just broke my heart all over again. We locked eyes and I didn't move for fear of breaking eye contact. Everything was bittersweet; while a part of me was happy seeing him, the other part was extremely sad. I gave him a soft smile and he simply nodded. I started making my way over to him until I saw a particular slutty buxom blonde on his arm. Seeing Brandy made me fume; I turned around and walked in the opposite direction instead, completely abandoning Zane. I needed to get as far away as I could from Donovan, from Zane, from anything that reminded me of this gaping hole I had in my heart.

    Sure Zane was helping me get over my heart being COMPLETELY shattered, but that didn't mean I was over Donovan. You can't just get over three years overnight, or at least I couldn't. I moved over to where Mr. Caldwell was because I figured it was a safe zone. He was going on and on to his colleagues about how hard I work and that when he retires, he hopes that I will take his place.

    Thirty minutes after arriving to the fundraiser, I don't see Donovan anymore and I think I'm in the clear. I go to try and find Zane, but see Donovan with Brandy yet again. At this point, I'm no longer sad at seeing him, but infuriated. I straighten my spine, and walk over to the cozy couple. It looked like Donovan didn't give our relationship an afterthought or a grieving period at all. He has his hand in the middle of her back, and talking with a few associates. She has a drink in her hand, looking overjoyed. I finally reach the group of people, and greet everyone like the gracious host I know how to be.

    "Is everyone enjoying their evening?" I ask with a smile.

    Donovan removes his hand from Brandy and I feel a huge part of myself smiling on the inside for the knee jerk reaction he had. Everyone smiles and nods their heads.

    "Good! Very good! Is everyone ready to start donating? It's a great cause and I can't name one good reason why you wouldn't want to be affiliated with this charity." I give my professional smile because if I give anything else it'll be tears targeted right at Donovan.

    As I turn to walk away, Donovan grabs me by the elbow, and asks, "Isis, may I have a word in private?"

    I look down at my elbow, and look back up at him in disgust; however, he has me cornered because he knows I don't like to make scenes, especially where my job is concerned. What makes matters worse is, I hear his assistant scoff in the background noise. He lets go, and my professional smile is firmly back in place.

    "Why sure, Mr. Parker! Is everything to your liking?"

    "I'll tell you once we're in private, Ms. Otieno."

    "No problem!" I say to him curtly. I turn around and he follows; I just hope Zane doesn't catch us. It wouldn't benefit either of us, nor Donovan. I find the terrace of the museum empty, so we go out here. I'm usually not a woman to shout when I'm angry, I don't spew hateful things, and I certainly don't act out of emotion.

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