Chapter 1

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    I'm standing outside of this man's home ready to fight for what's mine. I should've never suggested this, let alone agree to this. I just for myself needed to see how loyal this woman was to me; now I'm seeing I had her all along. I just hope she forgives me...


    I'm leaning against the window in my office, looking down at the lunch traffic with the sun rays blasting in, ready to go home. I look down at my watch and see that it's only midday, I'm ready to go home. However, I know that because I'm CEO of my company, that's almost close to impossible. I decide to work through my lunch so that I am able to go home early. As I'm planning for the rest of my day, I hear a knock at the door.

    "Mr. Parker, your 1:00 appointment with Mr. Chang is here." My assistant, Brandy says in a breathless manner. If she thought that would get my attention, she's sorely mistaken.

    Closed off and still facing the traffic, I reply, "Thank you Brandy, please show him in."

     I turn around just in time to see how hard she sways her hips walking out of the office, hoping to catch my eye. The only thing that incites my excitement anymore is Isis "Fuck, I want this day to be over." I take a look at my watch and it says 1:02, I sigh.

    The meeting with Chang ran over and by the time I knew it, it was 3:45. I get a buzz from my phone, "Mr. Parker, you have a Mr. Richards on line one."

    I picked up the call hesitantly, "Richards, what's up?"

    "Well hello to you as well Parker. It's been a while since we last spoke or saw each other. Listen I'm in need of some help that only you can assist me in. Care to have drinks this evening and catch up? Say 9:00 tonight at Marino's?"

    I roll my eyes and sigh before giving an answer, "Yeah sure."

    "Alright cool. Thanks man. I appreciate it, also I know you wouldn't say anything, but you know discretion and all."

    "Yeah man, I got it. Now get off my phone and go do some work." I hang up my phone before he could even get a word in. Don't get me wrong Zane Richards is a nice guy and everybody loves him because he has that charisma; but we've been long time friendly rivals ever since college.

    "So much for my plans with Isis tonight." I think to myself. I sit at my desk and my thoughts drift to her. I pull out my phone and decide to give her a call. She answers on the second ring.

    "Hello Sir," she says seductively, almost in a breathless manner..

    "Hello Isis, are you being a good angel today?"

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