Chapter 14

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    I tighten my grip on the rope I have in my hand, trying not to alarm Isis as to who it is on the other end. I'm fucking livid for Parker even THINKING he could impose on my time with her. It was to my understanding that I had full access to Isis without him making pop up appearances or phone calls.

    I take a deep breath, and say, "What the fuck do you want Parker?"

    Out of the corner of my eye, I see Isis's ears perk up at the mention of his name, and I'm irritated beyond belief. I need to release this energy and I would've been by now, had I not been rudely interrupted. On the other end of the call, at first there's dead silence, then Parker begins to stammer and immediately I know something's off, "Richardsss, you were s'posed to call me back."

    I take the phone off my ear, and look at it as though it just grew tentacles, then think of how much Isis must be freaking out and I take a deep breath, "Parker, you're drunk. We can resume this call tomorrow when I'm in my office, and away from Isis, as you're currently upsetting her."

    I hang up the phone, take another deep breath before I put the phone down, and turn around. I'm seriously stressed and irritable, but I know I can lose myself in the honey toned beauty behind me. I finally calm down a bit and turn around, "Hey Duch, how are you doing over there?"

    Every feeling and emotion she's feeling is written all over her face. She's worried, concerned, a little saddened, a lot aroused, and a bit angry. "Hmm, interesting," She doesn't answer me at first and I tug on the rope to remind her who's in control. She looks at me square in the eye, and I quirk my eyebrow, "Normally Duchess, I'd let you take your time, but seeing as we're both annoyed right now, let's use this to our advantage. However, before we can have some fun, this is something we need to address."

    Her torso is bound with this hemp rope, and I swear I've never been harder from just looking at a woman trussed up the way she is. She bites her lip, clears her throat and says, "I just don't understand. What would be his reasoning for calling tonight? He doesn't want me; he just gave me to you like I was a secondhand toy and I didn't matter to him at all. Like our three years together didn't matter to him."

    With three strides, I'm standing right in front of her, with her chin pinched in between my forefinger and my thumb. "Duchess, I'm sure that Parker has his reasons, whatever they may be. We discussed this remember? Focus on me, focus on us and what's between us. Give THAT a fair chance."

    She deeply inhales, and then exhales loudly, and shakes her head yes.

    "No Duch, I need your words."

    "Yes, Sire."

    She looks up into my eyes, and I just fucking melt. This woman doesn't know just how much she owns me. I would crawl through hot charcoals for her, rip my heart out, and lay it at her feet just to be in her presence. I lower my face and gently place a kiss on her lips as this will be the only soft thing I will do tonight. I raise my head, and just gaze into hers for a moment. Roughly I say, "Follow me Duch."

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