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C H A P T E R 21
Friday, December 14

Kelly, Regina and I realized we haven't had a girls talk in a minute so we decided to have lunch. Kelly didn't work today, Regina was on her lunch break and my next class didn't start for another hour so we grabbed lunch.

"You still haven't heard from him?" Regina asked.

"Nope and I'm trying not to be upset about it but it's hard not to, he lied. Now I have to figure out a way to tell Shay and she's been so happy these days. I don't know what she'll do, I really don't know."

"Don't stress yourself out Bey, things will work out. You can't control everything, just let life unfold," Kelly said.

"It's just so much going on," I sighed.

"What are you gonna do about Shay?" Regina asked.

"If Jay doesn't grow the fuck up I'll probably just adopt her. I won't be the one to hurt her, I can't, I've gotten attached and I want nothing but the best for her," I said honestly.

These past few weeks Shay has been staying with me I've gotten extremely attached. She's been such a positive spirit and the girls enjoy her, it's like I have another daughter. After everything she's been through she still manages to keep going and she kinda reminds me of myself. I really wouldn't mind making her a permanent member of my family.

"I think that would be good for her 'cause God knows I'm tired of filling missing person reports when her ass runs away. The only reason she does runaway is because she doesn't know what home is and I believe you really showed her a home. You're are a mother figure to her, you have realistic rules, your daughters are so open and there is so much love spread throughout your home and that's what she needs, that's what she's been looking for. Although it would be nice for her to have her father it might just wasn't meant to be, everything happens for a reason," Regina said.

"I absolutely agree," Kelly said.

"I just don't want her to be mad."

"She'll be hurt at first but she'll get over it if she's genuinely happy living with you," Kelly said and she was right.

"Enough of that, I'm having dinner with Terrence tonight," I said nervously.

"Ugh, why?" Kelly scoffed taking a sip of her champagne.

"I'm getting closure like you told me to," I said in a duh tone.

"Why now, why not earlier?" Regina questioned.

"I wasn't ready earlier and because I'm kind of talking to someone," I smiled.

"Beyoncé don't play with us, who you talking to?" Kelly said dramatically.

"Right, what's tea?"

"It's nothing serious, yet. His name is Morris, he's a professor and we've been going to lunch and having dinner occasionally within these past three weeks. And I want to sit down and talk with Terrence, just us two so I can get closure and finally be free from him before I get into something serious. He just has this hold on me that's not allowing me to move on."

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