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C H A P T E R 5.
Tuesday, August 21

I walked into my last class of the day, Theatre. I attended the University of Houston but in the School of Theatre & Dance. I was a very creative kid and acting was always a passion of mine. I would look at the tv and imagine I was onscreen. I can't wait until I get big so I'll be able to take care of my family. I wanted to pay my mother back because she's done everything in her power to make sure my sisters and I were good, she deserves it.

The teacher began explaining what our agenda would be and it turns out there will be a play, Romeo & Juliet with a twist.

"I'm going to pair everyone up, a boy with a girl and you and your partner will audition together for the leading roles. The roles will be cast by other members of the theatre department and myself," my teacher, Mrs. Love said as she passed out the script.

Mrs. Love began assigning partners and told us we should get to know each other.

"We're partners," I said sitting beside the girl I was paired with. She sat at the back of the class, alone. She was also very quiet, I've only known her for 2 days though.

She looked up at me and smiled shyly pushing her hair behind her ear, "Hi."

There was an awkward silence.

"I'm Keith, you don't have to be shy. We're gonna be spending a lot of time together," I said trying to make her feel comfortable.

"I'm Ryan," she smiled.

Her smiled was beyond perfect, her teeth were pearly white and she was beyond beautiful

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Her smiled was beyond perfect, her teeth were pearly white and she was beyond beautiful. She was the perfect shade of chocolate and her lips were full. Her style was also very different, it was a mixture of a tomboy with girly, it said a lot about her personality. Everything about Ryan screamed my type and I had to get to know her more.

"Vote Chloe for class president," I said as I attempted to pass flyers to the students during lunch.

"Girl you're not gonna get any votes with this attitude," a girl said from behind me.

I faced her and she smiled, "I'm Kehlani and it looks like you need some assistance," she chuckled.

I faced her and she smiled, "I'm Kehlani and it looks like you need some assistance," she chuckled

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