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C H A P T E R 12.
Tuesday, September 4

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!" My kids sang bursting into my room.

"Happy birthday mommy!" Blue yelled jumping onto my bed.

"Aww, you guys are gonna make me cry," I said.

"We just want to show you how much we appreciate you," Keith said placing the tray of food on my bed.

"Who cooked?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Keith just poured the cup of juice and carried the tray," Paige said making everyone laugh since they all knew Keith could not cook to save his life.

"My feelings are hurt," Keith said sadly.

"Suck it up," Blue said.

Keith grabbed Blue and began tickling her.

"Stop... please... I'm sorry," she said in between laughter.

"So what are you doing today?" Chloe asked.

"Working, I don't really know after that," I said.

"Go clubbing or something, get out of the house," Halle suggested.

"I would but I have kids and it's a school night."

"We're practically grown and by the time you leave Blue will be in the bed sleep," Paige said.

I looked at Paige like she was crazy, "You are not grown. Chloe, Halle, and Keith, yes, but you, no. That energy right there will have me in the house forever along with you."

"I'm a teenager, I can take care of myself," she whined.

"You are very capable of taking care of yourself but you make careless decisions like I did at you age."

"Ugh!" she groaned.

"Yeah that's the story of my life now everyone go so I can get ready for work," I said.

They all gave me a hug and a kiss then left.

I got ready and responded to all the birthday wishes I received then headed to work.

I stopped teaching and looked at everyone, "Why y'all so down today?"

"I don't know, probably because we're in prison," Kevin said.

"Well, who do y'all have to blame for that?" I said.

"With all due respect, Beyoncé, you aren't really allowed to speak on why we're in here because some of us are innocent," Emory said.

"You have a valid point," I said.

"Well, I damn sure ain't innocent,"

"You're a fucking rapist, my nigga! You prey on little girls and women and you fuck them against their will! You shouldn't be proud to say you're guilty. I don't know why they giving your nasty ass an opportunity to get out anyway," Jay said angrily.

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