Epilogue: Phan Wedding

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Epilogue: Phan Wedding

Phil's P.O.V:

Dan and I are finally reconnecting the bond that we have ever since the 4 year gap. Even if Dan has his Lawyering career, he also does YouTube videos with me and in his main channel! The fans return and the amount of weird fan fictions rose. Bit by bit, Dan tells his workmates tiny hints that he's dating me and sooner and later, it was finally accepted. A week later, the news spread across the Phandom and many of them went nuts.

PJ and Chris finally came out to the public and showed that KickTheStickz is real, even if it's not that popular. Reason being is because they are getting ready to see if the Phan wedding will happen. It's basically in everyone's minds lately, if the predicted Phan wedding will occur.

To be honest, me and Dan just ignore it as it doesn't even bother us. Speaking of Dan, I enjoy seeing him again after his work in the office. He says that besides all the meetings and law cases, going home is his favourite part as he gets to see the man he loves again. So whenever he enters the front door, I pull him from the tie and we make out against the wall.

October 19 2021:

Dan's P.O.V:

Today is the Day, the day when me and Phil first met! Also known as the Halloween Party. But this time, it's just a normal Day and we're filming Phil is not on fire 10 and little did he know that I have a little surprise for him. We did the usual recording and all that. After the usual recording, I told Phil that I want to go to the rooftop, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

The roof used to be off limits due to the 'incident' but it was then permitted but the landlord fixed it a lot so it can be safe for anyone. On the roof, we see Liana, Adrian, Jack, Dean, Alex, Carrie, Ben, Tom, PJ and Chris. I was also confused because I only invited Adrian, Liana, Chris, Alex and PJ.

"Phil?" I asked.

"Dan?" Phil asked.

All of our friends were looking at us, giggling and all that. At the roof, a keyboard, Drums and other musical instruments were there. We decided to all jam at the roof. Having a good time and all that. We sang songs written by our YouTuber friends and some from our fave artist. It was really great.

By the time reached 7, I got something out of my pocket, changed into a suit with my normal clothes underneath it and when I turned around, Phil was also changed into a suit. I brought out a box and Phil brought out his. Opened it and we both went on one knee (this happened at the same time simultaneously so there was no stopping us).

"Will you marry me?" We both asked.

Our friends cheered and were shocked and all that. It's finally happening. We want to tie the knot. We both looked and I had the Lion ring while Phil got the alpaca. We said yes and wore them. We kissed on front of everyone and we were all so happy.


Everyone gave us a group hug and congratulated us. This was clearly the best Day in our lives and we get to share this with our friends. Screw all the fan fictions as this is real! This moment Is real and nobody can ruin it for us.

October 19 2022:

We were on the altar as we decided to get married on the day we first met. I never want to forget and Phil and I never let go of our hands. Family and friends came and Chris and PJ were the best men. We were both wearing a tux and I don't know how to describe this moment because it's so surreal. Ellie and James also came along and she was really supportive about this event. Liana came with Adrian and they both played a role in this event.

"Dan, will you take this man as your husband?" asked the Priest.

"I do" I said.

"In sickness and in health?"


"Even when he steals your cereal?"

Oh boy... Not this question! I hate it when Phil steals my food, especially when it's out and go due to work! But the best part is that I get to chase him around and tackle him when he does it. Plus, it's more bonding time for the both of us.

"Yes" I said.

"And you Phil accept Dan to be your husband?" asked the Priest.

"I do" Phil said.

"Even when he talks to himself and stays up late at night?"


"Then I now announce you husband and husband" said the a Priest. "You can kiss the husband!"

Me and Phil kissed and everyone in the church cheered in joy and aww because of the feels. The predicted wedding has happened and there was no hate, no regrets and no problems. My co workers though found it a bit awkward as they never expected me to be this half lawyer half YouTuber.

At the reception, all of our friends and family gave speeches. Most of them stating that we're not gay, it's a never ending bromance that will last forever. Phil decided that he will throw the bouquet of flowers as it has to happen. Phil didn't carry them when going down the aisle but his mum bought him one for him or me to throw at the end. So when Phil threw it, all the girls went crazy for it but the one who caught it is no other than... Tyler Oakley.

"Oh my god! I'm next in line!" said Tyler.

"Make sure you try to make Troyler real!" said Anthony Padilla.

And at the corner, Troye was just sitting there happy for Tyler.

Me and Phil had the night of our lives as Muse performed in this wedding, Playing a ballad version of 'I Belong to You'. We danced at the centre of the ballroom and I just can't stop placing my forehead near Phil's chest, just to feel his heartbeat. I didn't want this fairytale to end.

"I love you Phil" I said.

"I love you too Dan" said Phil.

The Knight of Wands was the card that predicted our meeting, the card that gave hope for our love to kindle and the card that bonded two guys who never knew that they will fall for each other. I never want to forget what happened in the last few year of my life. I'm glad I met Phil and I'm glad I became best friends with him. And now, I'm glad that I'm going to live the rest of my life with him. I will now try to never let go, no matter what happens.

So the Lion fell in Love with the Llama...


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