Chapter 9: Settling In

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Chapter 9: Settling In

Phil and Ellie's House --- 2pm

Phil's P.O.V:

We arrived to our new place in Manchester. It was a small cottage and it cost around £300 000. It's near the local market and near a forest. Me and Ellie got out of the van and we moved the boxes into the house.

This took a while but some neighbors came and helped us along. As we finished, me and Ellie started to arrange some things. Since my folks live in Manchester... but a different suburb, they came over and helped fix the furniture. The unpacking is up for me and Ellie to decided.


"I can't believe it" said Ellie. "We are settled in!"

"I know" I said as I wrapped my arms around her. "Kinda reminds me of Sword Art Online!"

"Well... I'm proud of us!" said Ellie. "Now... we just need to try to get some Internet connection and a landline and plug in everything and we're finished! I can't believe it... I feel like a 5 year old!".

The Gun Bar --- 7:15pm:

Dan's P.O.V:

"Another round!" I said as Chris and PJ are right beside me.

I wasn't coping as Phil and Ellie keeps on tweeting about their new house. Meanwhile... I decided a night out with the other Fantastic Foursome members and I'm starting to feel drunk.

"Daniel, maybe we should stop drinking" said Chris.

"Why should we? I asked. "We didn't drive to get here? We are still single? We should enjoy ourselves".

"But the last time you've binge drink cause us in a brawl in the Ministry of Sound and BOTH of us getting harmed" said PJ.

I smiled and I stopped. Then I started to bang my head on the table due to sadness and disappointment.

"Dan, what's wrong?" asked Chris.

"Can you guys keep a secret?" I moaned.

"Dude, we are the fantastic foursome..." said Chris.

"Well... terrific threesome since Phillip ain't around" PJ interrupted.

I moaned with disappointment and groaned in anger when PJ mentioned Phil. Just hearing the name just makes me feel bad

"Anyways... you can trust us!" said Chris.

I put my head up and brought the guys closer just to whisper them what I was about to say.

"I think I may be falling in love with Phil" I said.

Chris and PJ faced each other in shock as they have no idea how to respond to what I told them. Like it was just news to them or they don't ship Phan.

"Dan... mate, you're not Drunk are you?" asked Chris.

"No! I'm serious!" I said. "We kissed and...".

"Woah... Woah... Dan! You kissed Phil?!" asked PJ. "You do know he's married right?"

"Kisses are hardly cheating" I said. "We made out".

The boys eyes were wide open and were in shock. Chris slapped me on the face and I fell on the table with a bump on my head. I was in pain for a while but I then recovered after a minute.

"What was that for?!?" I asked.

"Dan, we know that me and Chris ship Phan but.." said PJ. "Why now?! Why did you have to discover your feelings for Phil right now!?"

"I don't know exactly..." I said sadly.

"Was it because of what happened in the holiday?" asked Chris.

Awkward silence...

"IT IS!!!" he yelled.

"Phil was the one who did the first move ok..." I said.

The boys looked at each other, confused on what's going on. Chris and PJ are Phan shippers but they don't ship KicktheStickz. They know Phil was engaged during our holiday, so they don't understand what's going on. Our drinks arrived and we all took a sip.

"Dan... just stay strong" said Chris. "You know the knight of wands?"

"I KNOW THE GODDAM KNIGHT OF WANDS CARD!!!" I said as I showed them the card.

"That card predicted your meeting with Phil" said PJ. "Phil made you pick 3 cards, you got that card, you will find someone. But for now, just forget the whole thing has ever happened. Like it's all a dream".

I had to agree with Peej, I need to let go. I'm just living in some fantasy and fantasies are never real. I should just forget the whole thing...

Time to let go...

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