Chapter 6: The slow Separation

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Chapter 6: The Slow Separation

Dan's Bedroom --- 1:59pm:

Dan's P.O.V:

I heard a thump. It scared me a bit. I removed the table off the door and exit the room. I looked at the hallway and no one was there. Then I heard a girl's voice in Phil's room.

I decided to look and I saw Phil on the ground! I ran in and he fainted... AGAIN! He's still alive and then I heard someone calling my name.

It was on Phil's phone. I looked and it was Liana calling.

"Dan, what happened to Phil?" she asked.

"Phil fainted!" I said. "Triggered Existential crisis or something!"

I got out my phone and called 999. The ambulance arrived 10 mins after the call and while I waited, I tried to perform CPR. When the paramedics arrive, they contacted Ellie but when they took Phil away, I wasn't allowed to come.

"What do you mean I'm not allowed!?" I yelled.

"Sorry Daniel" said one Paramedic officer. "You're not family!".

"But he's my roommate for Pete sake!" I yelled.

"But you're not family" said the other paramedic officer. "I'm sorry Daniel. We contacted his wife. He'll be fine".

They left with Phil's fainted body and I was just left behind, sitting there, flat on the ground, wondering what just happened. When Phil fainted last time, I was allowed.

Was it because he was single that I was allowed to come but when he got married, I'm now forbidden to know what just happened? What kind of world is this?!?!

I looked at Phil's phone and Liana is till there. She heard the whole thing and left.

Meanwhile, I was left crying. I now finally discovered... as Phil moves on with his life... the more it will create a separation between my best friend.

Maybe it's time to let go...

Youtuber Halloween Party 2009:

My mum dropped my off where this party was supposed to be. I was nervous as I had no idea who these people are. I didn't want to go but I went because this is where this 'AmazingPhil' guy wants me to meet.

My mum wishes me luck and make some friends but I was mortified. I've been terrible making friends and that's not what I'm scared off. I was scared that I will be the only 18 year old in this event.

I walked in with my lame bear costume and just mingled a bit with some people. When I entered, I was asked for the invitation and once I entered, most of the Youtubers were 23-ish years old! I felt small.

All of them looked at me and I just gave them a small nod and walked. I don't even know what we should have this party anyways? Is it for us to fangirl? Is it so we can get some advice?

I was tired of being intimidated by these other YouTubers so I sat down next I someone who is also wearing a cat costume. We made some small talk and I left to get some air.

I just went to the fountain and relaxed there and suddenly, someone came up to me.

"Hello" said the person.

"Hi... Um... Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"Are you... Danisnotonfire?" said this person.

I looked and I think I just realized who I gave a small talk to...

"Are you AmazingPhil?" I asked

London Royal Hospital --- 1:40pm

Phil's P.O.V:

I woke up as the bright light of the room blinded me for a bit. I regained my sight and I saw that I wasn't in my bedroom. I heard beeping sounds on my right and as I turned to the left, I saw Ellie.

Once I gave in a stare, she gave me a huge hug and started to cry. I was in shock and I had no idea what just happened.

"Phillip!" she cried. "I'm glad you're ok!"

I looked around and I after a while, I remembered what happened. I tried to look for Dan and he wasn't there!

"Where's Dan?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" asked Ellie.

"Where's Dan?" I asked.

Ellie's P.O.V:

Phil kept asking where Dan was. I told him that he wasn't allowed to come when Phil was being sent to the hospital. This is when I felt heartbroken. All Phil cares about is Dan! Why wasn't he happy when he saw me? I'm his wife! Why wasn't he happy to see me.

I stopped hugging and just faced away from Phil. I can tell he can notice it so he asked me what's wrong.

"It's nothing" I said.

"Ellie..." Phil said.

"Phil... Do you like Dan or me?" I asked sadly.

"What?" He asked.

"You heard me!" I said. "Why do you keep asking for Dan? I was here and you rather have Dan".

"Ellie..." Phil said. "It's not that I don't want you? It's just that, I don't know, I just got used to him being right by my side".

"Phil, I am now your wife! By now, you should accept that I really do care about you! I'm not that 14 year old girl anymore!" I said with the northern accent.

Phil felt bad and apologized. I went beside him and forgave him.

"It's ok" I said. "Just please, love me me more".

"I'll try" said Phil.

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