Chapter 5: Eavesdropping

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Chapter 5: Eavesdropping

The Hallway --- 10:15am

Phil's P.O.V:

I listened behind Dan's bedroom door as he talks to Liana. I tried to enter but Dan locked the door and somehow baracade it. I tried to knock but he just wants to be alone.

"Dan, let me in!" I said.

"No!" Dan said. "Leave me alone!"

"If this is about me moving out... I could cancel" I said.

"This is not about you moving out!" Dan yelled.

"Then what is it then?" I asked.

"None of your f****** business Phillip!" Dan yelled.

I tried to let myself in but Dan just ignored me no matter how much I begged. He just wouldn't answer. I felt bad as I think it's sort off my fault.

"Dan, do you want me to bring you a bag of malteasers?" I asked. "I know you love those!"

"I hoard all the Malteasers before I entered my room!" Dan said. "Give it up Phillip, I just want to be alone!"

"That is literally the..." I said.

"SHADDUP PHIL!!!" Dan yelled as he interrupts me. "By the way, since this door is barricaded, I placed new shoes on the table!"

I was in shock of horror. I begged for it to be a joke but Dan sent me a video saying otherwise. I tried busting in but Dan literally made it impossible for me to get through.

"Dan! Remove those shoes right now!" I yelled.

"Why should I?!" Dan asked. "I'm gonna be living alone soon so I have the right to prepare myself... meaning... No more of your stupid theories!"

"They're not stupid!!!" I yelled.

"Phil... You can't guard me for long!" Dan said. "Once you move out... I will be doing this every time! Besides, you can just attack Ellie if she buys new shoes!".

"So Ellie is the problem then?" I asked.

"Phil... Stop making the world revolve around you and Ellie ok?!" Dan. "Sometimes... I just want to be alone!".

I gave up. If Dan didn't want to talk, then I should accept that... But I just have the greater feeling that it's my fault. Was it because Dan will be losing me? Is because we told him last minute? Or is it because of our kiss..? I don't know what to think that I just sat on the ground... crying.

My mind is going insane as not only because of Dan but his shoes on the table. I was scared what was going to happen... Then I discovered, it's starting to happen. The shoes is making me and Dan against each other.

No! That can't be the only reason! There must be others! I just don't know!!!

Suddenly... Dan just made a new tweet. It's about the shoes on the table and that I have done nothing to do anything about it.

I replied back saying: 'GET RID OF IT! It's making us go against each other!'

As time passed as I stayed in my bedroom listening to music and researching a bunch of other stuff... My mind was filled with thoughts of Dan and the shoes. Suddenly... an hour later, I fainted.

Phil's Subconsciousness:

I was back to where I was... floating in my mind. I guess it was another Triggered Existential Crisis. As I float through my memories, I saw something quite familiar...

It was back in 2009... I was in my bedroom... Trying to look at the comments section and there is saw... The username 'Danisnotonfire'

It was when I first replied to his comment. We chatted a bit but we never seem try to actually know each other!

But when the Halloween Party Came... I remembered seeing him and I didn't even know if it was really him. I asked PJ who it was but he also wasn't sure who he was except that he's named Daniel.

I walked out of the seat and tried to follow him...

But that is where the memory fades. I was back to a black abyss and just sitting there, waiting for someone to wake me up.

Phil's Bedroom:

My phone started to Ring as some of my self consciousness is still intact in reality. I know who it was due to the ringtone but my mind is fogged up so I'm not quite exactly sure who it was.

The phone was at least a finger away and I pressed 'answer'.

"Hello? Phil?" said a Girl.

"Li... Liana?" I mumbled.

"Phil?!" said Liana. "Phil, can you hear me?"

"Uh..." I said.

That's when I lost all ability to maintain in reality... as my minds sips in into my self consciousness... and it's up to someone to wake me up.

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