Chapter 15: Interference

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Chapter 15: Interference

October 12 2014, 7am ---- Paris:

Phil's P.O.V:

So I went to Twitter to see what happened back in England and to see if anything new happened. Last night was great but I wanted to see what I missed out. I got out my phone as Ellie is taking a shower. I turned on the app and the first thing is Dan's Tweet.

I had a wonderful time hanging out with @Muse ! Thanks for the interview and the selfie @MatthewBellamy

Then I saw the tweet from Matthew Bellamy

Had a wonderful time with @Danisnotonfire! Dan the man... You were amazing!

I wasn't sure what they were tweeting about so I scrolled down and I saw pictures and recordings of Dan hanging out with Muse! He met the band! And he hanged out with them afterwards?!

I can't believe it! Then I saw a missed FaceTime notification. It was from Dan. It was on the exact time when I kissed Ellie at the Eiffel Tower!

I threw my phone on the floor and lied down on my bed again in disappointment as Dan is enjoying his life. But why wasn't I notified about this?

Did Dan kept this a secret from me? Did he not tell me this in purpose just so he can make me angry or something?

Dan's P.O.V:

"I can't believe you met your fave band" said Liana on the screen. "I bet you and Phil had a great time!"

"Phil didn't come" I said. "He was on his honeymoon"

"Oh!" said Liana. "At least he knows you..."

"Nope, he doesn't know" I said.

I can see anger and shock in Liana's face as I can tell that what I did was wrong. How is it wrong?! If I told Phil this, he would cancel their trip! I did him a favor... that's all.

"DAN YOU IDIOT!!!" yelled Liana. "What kind of best friend are you? Like seriously! Why didn't you tell Phil!?".

"Because if I told him, he would have canceled his trip to Paris!" I said. "I tried to FaceTime him but he wasn't responding!".

"But you have to tell him before..." she said.

Suddenly, we got a notification on Twitter about Phil's new tweet. We read it and it said:

@Danisnotonfire, why didn't you tell me about your little gig?!

I chose not to respond to that tweet and just turned off my phone.

"Anyways Daniel, I have to go!" said Liana. "You are a twat you know that!?"

The Skype call ended but I didn't care. Phil was married and he had a trip. It was his fault that he missed out, not mine!

Liana's P.O.V:

I banged my head on the desk and yelled out loud mentally. Then I walked to my bed and bang my head on my pillow and yelled from there. A few of my roommates came to me and asked me what was wrong. Since they're so part of the Phandom, it was safe to tell them what's going on.

"Dan and Phil stuff" I said.

"Oh yeah, you're friends with them" said Maria. "We saw the tweet, I guess things aren't to go end well".

"We need to bring back Phan" I said softly.

"What?" asked Andrew. "You know that's now impossible since Phil is married".

"But things between Dan and Phil aren't going smooth!" I yelled. "Dan is doing things that Phil would love to enjoy doing with his Best friend! Remember their Fall Out Boy Interview?".

"Lana, even if we ship Phan, there is nothing we can do" said Maria. "Tweeting won't do a thing".

"But we need to get it trending for them to take notice" said Andrew. "But even if that happens, Phil can't just divorce his wife! Why are we even interfering with their lives anyway?"

"Because they have interfered with ours!" I said. "We know when things aren't going swell between them so we need to fix that!"

"Liana, I know you are friends with them and I know you just joined but you need to accept that it's no longer real! Phan will never be real anymore!" said Maria. "It's over... we can no longer live that fantasy anymore. All we can do now is support Troyler now".

My friends have a point. Since Phil got married, Phan can't be real anymore. We can't ruin their relationship just to create another. It's wrong.


There is still hope for it to be real! We just need Dan to do something or something tragic to happen between Phil and Ellie. I don't want to hurt my best friends so I have to pick a side...

Am I team Ellie or team Dan?

Paris --- 8am:

Ellie's P.O.V:

I saw Phil when I was done using the bathroom. I saw him being upset as he threw his phone to the ground and lying on the bed. I assumed that he missed out on something and Dan managed to do it.

I came to him and gave him a hug to cheer him up. I saw the lovely smile of his and it cheered me up.

"Hello Phillip" I said.

"Hi Ellie" he said.

"Anything wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing..." Phil said. "So, what do you want to do today?"

"Let's go to the city" I said.

So Phil got up and he started to change. I'm glad that I made him feel better. I saw his phone on the corner and wondered why it was there. It was still on his Twitter and right there was a Tweet from Dan and one is from the lead singer from Muse.

The Muse concert... Oh no! Phil loves Muse! I assumed Dan tried to call Phil when he was there. I checked his notifications and he did!

Suddenly, I heard Phil yelling in the bathroom. He missed out on his only chance on meeting his fave band.

I'm sure Phil can meet them again...

Can he?

Online Secret (A Phan Fiction) [Wattys 2014]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon