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I woke up nice and early today- I was too excited to sleep in! I had to make sure I was up and ready for when Veronica arrives to help me decorate the place. We both decided it would have to be an indoor party since it was a bit too chilly outside. I was in the kitchen making some morning tea and cleaning the dishes we had used last night.

Freddie stomped down the stairs into my view. He was rubbing his eyes, still in his silk robe. "And what are you doing up this early?," he asked with a yawn.

"Oh, nothing!," I chirped. "I just couldn't sleep..and I wanted to see you off before you head into the studio..," I smiled at him and handed him a cup of tea.

"Thank you," he mumbled as he grabbed the cup from my hands and made his way to sit at the counter high stool. "But, I'm not going into work today...I want to relax and actually take you out..or shop..or something..I don't know..," he shook his head, trying to think up some plans no doubt.

I smiled at him and turned back to the breakfast I was cooking. Internally, I was FREAKING OUT! I told Veronica to be here as soon as John leaves for the studio! I reallly really don't want Freddie to ruin his own surprise!

"I'm going to go have a shower, love...care to join me?," he asked as he stood from the stool.

"I'm actually cooking here," I pointed the spatula towards the pan that was frying a couple of eggs.

"Oh, boo. Such the party pooper," he rolled his eyes and smirked at me. Nope, Freddie you're the one who's being a party pooper right now and you don't even know it!

"Well, I'll leave the door unlocked Incase you should change your mind," he winked at me as he trudged back up the stairs.

The doorbell rang, making me jump and drop the darn spatula on the floor. Flinging it into the sink, I quickly walked out of the kitchen towards the front door. As it came into view, I seen Freddie coming down the steps to answer it!

"I've got it! I've got it! You go take your shower..go on..," okay maybe I should've tried to sound a little more normal and not like an idiot that is hiding something!

"Hmmm, new boyfriend? Coming to my house? This I've got to see," he teased and went to open the door despite me telling him I would.

"Veronica, darling! What a pleasant surprise...," Freddie moved from the doorway so that I could see Veronicas shocked expression mirror mine. I quickly recovered, hoping that Freddie hadn't noticed. She brought baby Michael and her toddler son, Robert. That's a good cover as any!

"Freddie, I'm sorry..I should have told you...I planned to spend the day with Veronica..I've never met the children. She's going to teach me how to be a good mom," I smiled widely at him, pleased with myself for coming up with a backup so quickly.

To my surprise, he didn't seem the least bit upset or annoyed that I'd just ruined his plans for the day, "hmm, well then, I guess I shall just go into the studio today after all. I don't want to get in the way...and Angel, you're already going to be a great mum, I know it." He started walking back up the steps, "Have fun girls!," he called over his shoulder.

As soon as Freddie was our the shower, he got dressed, kissed me goodbye and thanked Veronica for coming over. He was so sweet with the boys, little Robert practically pulled Freddie leg off as he sat on top of his foot, because he didn't want "uncle Fweddie" to leave. It melted my heart. He's going to be an amazing father!

When we were sure he was gone, we both got to work decorating the house. It wasn't much to do, we didn't want to go over board. We just set up the tables with silverware and pink and blue confetti. We hung some balloons and streamers in the kitchen. Since that was where we would cut into the cake. I made sure to wipe down all the counter tops and sweep the floor, while Veronica was trying to put Michael down for a nap. I didn't mind at all, that is definitely going to be me in the future and I'm no hypocrite. She laid him down in his car seat when he was fast asleep. The little bub. He's so precious! Robert was very much entertained with his television program, he was snacking on some goldfish crackers, his eyes glued to the cartoon. He looks so much like John- it makes me wonder if our son will look like Freddie. That is, if we have a son at all.

"I think it's time we go pick up the food," Veronica said, just as we put the finishing touches of the last streamers down the banister. She picked up the baby car seat and I helped Robert get cleaned up before we all got in the car.

I walked in to the restaurant we ordered from and picked up two trays full of food, the other two were carried by one of the workers. I thank them for their help as we loaded the trays into the trunk of the car.

"John has just texted me...says Freddie's trying to cut the session short today..," Veronica informed me as I slid into my seat on the passenger side.

"What- no! Tell him to stall! We're no where near ready! We still have to get the cake and and I need to get ready properly! And..and we need to wait for all the guests to arrive! Freddie's parents and sister at least need to be here!," I waved my hands around frantically, as I tried to stay calm.

"He says they are taking Freddie for some celebratory drinks, since they haven't celebrated him becoming a father yet..," I nodded my head, relaxing back into the seat a little. "Tell you what, ill just go back to drop you off so you can get dressed and I'll go and get the cake. That way, I can swing by my house and pick up your gift- I forgot it when I was rushing this morning with the boys!," she laughed at herself.

"Oh, that's so sweet of you! You didn't have to get us a present you know, it's not a baby shower.," I stated, but then decided that sounded kind of rude at the end. "Either way, thank you so much. And thank you for helping with the party, you've been such a good friend to me..," I smiled at her and watched a little smile grow on her lips as well as she kept her eyes on the road.

"That's what friends are for! But, never mind that, we are family now.," she shrugged.

"Yes..family," I happily agreed with her. I was so glad that she's such a really cool person. She could've been a witch to me for all she cared, but she was genuinely a sweetheart. I have a feeling we're going to be super close.

Veronica dropped me off and said she'd be back with the cake and present in an hours time. The party was set for 5 o'clock this evening. We only had 4 hours left to get everything straightened out. I know that seems like a lot of time, but in girl world it flies by!

I went to work on my hair and decided on a gentle wave vintage look. The dress I picked out back in California is lacy and white with sleeves that hang off my shoulders. It  accentuated my belly perfectly! I just know Freddie will love it. I grabbed my phone and snapped a few pictures of myself in the mirror. I know there will probably be a lot of pictures taken throughout the day, but I couldn't help myself. I had to remind myself not to send it to Freddie, as tempting as it was. I want him to see me in person first.

I heard what sounded like a door creak open from downstairs. I grabbed my phone from the edge of the sink and walked out of the bathroom with one last glance at my reflection.

Walking down the steps to the front door, I peaked out the side window, but didn't see Veronica's car. I made my way into the kitchen. No one. Hmmm. That's strange, maybe it was the wind or my anxious mind or something.

Just then, I heard a muffled deep voice from behind the garage door. I hope to God it's not Freddie coming home early! The guys were suppose to distract him until all the guests arrived!

The door squeaked open, revealing the face to match the voice.

I froze in my tracks and held my breath.

I felt my heart beat start to quicken. My breathing became burdened and heavy. Of all the fucking gin joints in the world!!

"Hey, babe...long time no see..,"

A/N: who is really ruining the party now?

Thoughts? Opinions? Predictions?

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