15.)You Can Tell Everybody

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Freddie's POV:

Today is my birthday. Funny, I don't feel the least bit celebratory at all. I was sitting in bed still, in my Vegas hotel room- all alone. I had invited everyone along for my birthday weekend so I got up and decided to try and lift my spirits. Let's just say, vodka for breakfast. Happy birthday to me.

The truth is, I was still hoping that Cherie would call me up and say she'll be here for me. I didn't dwell on the thought for long. She hated me. We were done. When am I going to get that through my head?

I walked out of my room to see Deacy making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Freddie! And happy birthday to you!," he said while smiling at me and giving me a hug. I returned the hug and the smile as sincerely as I could manage and sat down on the stool in front of the counter.

"Fredddddie!!!," Roger came sprinting out of his room and ran towards me hugging me from behind as I still sat down. "Happy birthday, mate! I have the BEST surprise gift for you! You're going to love me!," he exclaimed with a big grin on his face.

I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. I love gifts and I love surprises..usually I like being on the giving end of things, but still this is nice, too.

"I already love you, Rog," I said shaking my head.

"I know, I know.. but I swear you'll love me a thousand times more than Deacy now!," he tilted his head towards John who was filling plates with the omelets he made.

"You wish, Roger," Deacy replied with a wink to me.

We all started laughing at this until the main door opened and I seen a sea of balloons every color. I couldn't tell who was behind it at first, until a tousled birds nest appeared at the top!

"Happy birthday, dear Freddie!," Brian smiled as he placed the balloons beside me and gave me a hug, too. If nothing else good comes of today, I'm happy to know I've got the best friends and band mates I could ask for.

We all finished breakfast and had talked through the plans for tonight. We said we'd meet up to have dinner first and then see where the night takes us. We're wild boys after all- this should be a great time! I was glad that my friends made me feel better about celebrating my birthday. Everyone had plans on going shopping or doing something or other to get ready for later, so one by one they left the hotel.

I had already shopped beforehand for things to wear and such so I busied myself with finishing a song I was working on. I couldn't quite figure out where I was going with it. The melody came to me in a dream, actually. I was sitting in a dark room playing my piano and felt such tragic sadness as I played each note, that I actually woke up with tears on my face. It was rather strange.

I stopped playing a second, because I thought I'd heard a knock at the door. My guess is that would be Paul and his gang showing up a bit early to get things started. I glided over to the door and opened it, but to my surprise there was no one there. I looked down the hall way and I swear I thought I was dreaming.

"Angel....?!," I called out to the beautiful creature waiting by the elevator. She had her back towards me. Were my dreams really starting to haunt my daylight hours now?

She turned around and I felt my heart stop a moment. She smiled and slowly walked towards me. I couldn't wait anymore. I couldn't believe she was real! That she's really here! I ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her squeezing her tightly.

"Freddie...Freddie..I can't breathe," she gasped. And I let go...a little. I looked up into her eyes and smiled so wide that my cheeks hurt.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say anything. I didn't want to take the chance of saying the wrong thing and have her walk away from my life again. But I didn't need to, she spoke first.

Hello Stranger- I'm a Disaster (Freddie Mercury love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt