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Not too sure how I feel about Robert being my nickname seeing as it's an entirely different name. Maybe I can use it as an alias when going places in secret if/when we become mega stars haha!

Also, you're talking to your friend about me? Good things, I hope! (It's got to be better than how you speak of your roommate aha!)

And hey, you only have what? One more year of school after this? Then you don't ever have to see her again! And when you're a famous artist or you're going against her in court she'll wish she'd been a better roomie.

On the topic of your school- hopefully you get at least some rest and if not, then hopefully there'll be time for you to soon! If I was nearby and could do anything visually artistic, I'd do your work for you (if you wanted haha)

Speaking of being artistic, I want to see your art! You're showing me when we meet up!

Don't worry about ranting, I don't mind (and hopefully you don't either because I have an issue of my own brewing, but we'll get to that in a sec)

And yes, the back door is for VIPs, hence why I'm letting you come through there with me ;)

To answer your question about if you did actually somewhat flirt with me (hehe), the answer is yes. A bit oddly, if I'm being honest, but yes you did.

I must say, you're much more friendly and flirty in writing than you are in person. Not that I'm complaining though ;)

Okay, sorry to jump from saying something so nice to being angry, but I have to let it out. And you said yourself you wanted to know everything about Top of the Pops, so here we go.

In short: it was shit. Incredibly uncool.

It wasn't even live music! They made us fake play to the recorded version. Of course, they told us this right before it started and we didn't even have any say in it.

"This is the BBC and that's how things are done around here!" That's what they told us!! Well, the way things are done there is a load of bullocks! We do know how to play our instruments!

And then they had these drums...if you can even call them that. They had this small little kit with plastic cymbals, so when you hit them they don't make any noise! Such shit.

I didn't even hit the damn "drums" with the sticks sometimes—not that you could tell!!

And they had all these teenage girls that were hired to act like they were having a good time when, in reality, no one was having a good time. Thank you for your good wishes anyways.

I know I said I'd send you a recording of it, but I take it back now. It's the exact audio you'd hear listening to just the single I sent you.

On a lighter note, I'm happy you liked the song! If we end up having anymore singles I'll send 'em your way ;)

We've been busy recording so hopefully you'll hear some new stuff from us in the near future.

Killer Queen is actually doing remarkably well. Thank god it has considering Freddie's main source of money before this was selling my clothes at Kensington Market!

Alright, love, that's all I have to say for now. Hope everything works out with school and you manage some rest.

Talk to you soon,




Don't worry, I'm not going to be calling you Robert haha! Using it as an alias/secret identity is quite the idea though!

And, yes, I did mention you to my friend. Don't get too cocky thinking all I do is talk to her about you.

But yes, it was all good things. Nothing to worry about.

I appreciate your joking offer of doing my work for me, however there's a word for that and it's 'plagiarism'. And I'd get kicked out of school if I were caught doing that!

A student in one of my classes actually got kicked out of school last year for plagiarism! I didn't really know him, but that stuff goes on your permanent record and rumour is no school will accept him now because of it.

I'll definitely show you some of my work when you visit! I don't know how much you're interested, but the painting i mentioned before is being put up on display in one of the halls at school!

And, wow, going through the back door with the Roger Taylor? And having my work on display? I'm moving up in the world haha!

Also, the reason I wasn't flirty with you in person is because a) I barely knew you! And b) you weren't flirty either! (Which honestly I'm glad about because if you had been, I probably would've just been a bit weirded out & super awkward whoops)

On to (dare I even say it hehe), Top of the Pops...

That's so dumb that you guys couldn't play! Especially considering your live versions of songs sound almost identical to the studio versions.

On the bright side, you still got to be on there and get your name out, right? That's got to count for something!

Also, what do you mean you didn't hit the drums?? I want to see that!! (That's code for even though it wasn't you guys playing live, I'd still like to see it hehe)

Hey, now that you guys are profiting from Killer Queen, you can buy yourself new clothes to make up for the ones Freddie sold haha!

School has been pretty busy but just a few more weeks until reading week and then I get a much needed break. It's bittersweet though because my family has to be out of town at that time so even if I went back to Ohio for the week, I'd be alone.

On the plus side, Stella is going home for the week so I can have the place to myself (not that I'm having any crazy parties or anything).

As usual, nothing else new in my life, so this is where I end off my letter. I hope recording is going well & I'm looking forward to hearing some new stuff.

Talk soon,

- Dyl :)

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