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A sigh followed next which belongs to my dad.

"Kwarai, ciki har kusan wata biyu. (Yes pregnancy. Almost two months)."

"Innalillahi was inna ilayhir rajiun." My mom exclaimed. "Fatima ciki? Oh my God! What did we do wrong in the world Mallam? Why will our only daughter be pregnant?" Large sobs followed her words.

"That's not all." My father breath out. "She had an abortion before."

My mind blank once again.

* * * * *
The next time I finally registered my consciousness. The room was bright too bright. I moved my head around, taking in the room. I was alone which was surprising it looks like an hospital room but too large to be one. And why was I the only one in the room?

I was lost in thoughts when the door opened. My heart skipped a beat thinking it was my parents but it wasn't rather Ammi walked in. When she saw that I was awake. She rushed to my side and sat at the chair close to the bed.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" She rushed out. I nod my head indicating yes but immediately regret it. I closed my eyes due to the pain coursing through my head.

"Are you sure you're fine? Let me call the doctor." And she left before. I could answer. Seconds later, the doctor walked in. He looked at me for a while exclaiming me before announcing I was fine and walked out.

"Your dad is at the mosque, your mom and Surhail went to get you some clothes." She announced, then sat Down. "Fatima, why didn't you tell anyone. We're not going to kill you. I just hoped he didn't force you to do it. What am I saying? Of course he persuaded you. That foolish boy!"

"Wh-wha-what are you talking about?" I croaked out.

"Oh don't worry. Surhail already told us.I just wish you didn't abort the first one. We would have accepted from the beginning." She was just adding more to my confusion.

"I don't understand you Ammi. What did Surhail said?" I tried to sit up but failed. She rushed to my sideband helped me up then place a pillow on my back to balance me.

"Surhail already told us he is the father. You don't have to hide it anymore."

* * * * *
For the life of me I couldn't comprehend why Surhail told everyone he was responsible. Why take the blame for something you know nothing about?

I was eagerly awaiting their return, so I could ask him. When they finally did, my mom burst in, she looked relieved perhaps that I was finally awake but i could still see the hint of disappointment On her face. I knew she was angry with me. I just hope she forgives me. My dad refused to see me, even when I cried and pleaded, he refused, he just sat outside and that just breaks my heart even more.

Surhail wasn't allowed inside also. Ammi announced that my dad was so mad at him that he asked to never see his face again. Although he still came to the hospital everyday.

My heart aches. What good had I done in my life that I deserve a man like Surhail? I don't know how to start when we meet but I know I will crawl on my knees if I had to, just to make him forgive me.

* * * * *
There's two chapters before this. Check it out first.
Waya next update next year.

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