Our ‘wounded soldiers’ sprang from their horses, each drawing their weapons as we ran to the door and opened it. We all raced for the door, slamming and barricading it shut behind us, just as the men rammed up against it in pursuit.

“This way,” Erza said, running down the hall to the door that led to the dungeon.

“We I need to find a way to keep those gates open, or we won’t be able to escape,” Jellal said.

Gajeel nodded once. “Flame brain and I will go with them. Gray can help you.”

Gray nodded and turned to me. “Do you know of another way out of here?” he asked.

I thought back to my last visit. Did I remember someone leaving from the side, toward the back? When I looked back to see Levy and Lucy in the window?

“There might be a passageway, back there and to the left.” I pointed.

I watched, still a little stunned as he and Jellal turned and ran to the back of the building, in search of my alternative exit.

‘You had to go and fall for a guy who goes all-in for a cause….’ I thought with a sigh. ‘And the guy who has zero interest in you too.’

“Come on,” Natsu said, interrupting my thoughts and easing through the door. We crept down the stairs, taking a sputtering torch with us. At the bottom, Gajeel lit another torch, which he handed to Erza as we moved forward.

They hadn’t even bothered to lock the dungeon. A shiver of fear rolled down my back. What if they had moved them? What if they weren’t there? What if they were? What if their hands were paralyzed after spending a night hanging from them?

Gajeel and Natsu stepped into the room at the bottom of the stairs and then stood stock-still. I peeked around the corner. Of course, it had to be him. Of all of the Phantom Lord knights of course they choose the one that looks like freaking Goliath to guard two small girls.

“We’re here to retrieve our sisters. Lord Jose promised us their release.” Erza said, leaving no space for argument. They were in a cell behind the Hulk, sitting up at the sound of Erza’s voice. “Release them. Now. And send us off with the promised gold as well. We must be away.”

The guard didn’t move. He just stared at us so steadily, so coldly, I again imagined he was seeing right through me. “Who are they?” he asked, flicking his eyes toward Gajeel and Natsu.

“That doesn’t matter.” I said, edging a bit between Gajeel and him. If he recognized them as Jellal’s brothers...

“It matters to me,” he said, eyes narrowing.

“We are in love,” Gajeel said, stepping forward and slipping a hand in mine, Natsu doing the same to Erza. I struggled to keep my expression in order, lifting my chin as if I was verifying his words as truth. “Once we are safely at the border, we plan exchange our vows.”

‘Excuse me what?! He can’t possibly fall for tha-’

Lucy and Levy were now at the front of the cell, hands wrapped around the bars. I took in a little breath and cast them an encouraging smile.

The knight stepped closer to Erza and said lowly, “I thought it was Jellal who loved you.”

“He was,” Erza said, letting a wicked smile turn up the corners of my mouth. “He was so lovesick, he never saw that my heart had been claimed by another. It gave us an advantage in opening the gates this night. We have done what Lord Jose asked of us. Now honor our bargain.”

He whipped out his hand so fast I didn’t even realize it was his hand until I saw it pressing cruelly into the sides of Erza’s throat. I heard the slide of Gajeel’s and Natsu’s sword as three knights- just as large- appear from the shadows and attack us. I immediately whip out my sword and bring it up to block the on coming attack.

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