9. Stupid Mistake.

Start from the beginning

Octavia nodded her head as Clarke pushed past her towards the bar. Bellamy was no where in sight and Clarke was somewhat relieved. She wasn't sure how to approach him after her episode earlier. After buying two drinks she made her way back to Octavia.

The rest of the night seemed to pass by with no incidents for Clarke. She even found herself enjoying the party. Of course she was sure it had something to do with the amount of alcohol she had consumed. Around midnight, Clarke decided she needed a breather and found herself an empty table at the back of the room. She sat down in the small booth and simply watched the party carry on around her. She swirled her drink in her hands before throwing the rest down her throat in one gulp.

Suddenly she felt someone slide into the booth beside her. Clarke prepared to push the person out until her eyes met with a familiar pair of brown eyes.

"Enjoying yourself there Princess?" Bellamy said, sliding another drink in front of her.

"This is helping." Clarke smirked, lifting up her new drink.

"You gonna tell me what earlier was all about?" Bellamy asked, leaning closer. Clarke could tell he had also been drinking a lot.

"Nope." Clarke shook her head.

"Mysterious." Bellamy smirked.

"I will tell you this though." Clarke slurred. "I'm a fucking mess Bellamy."

"How so?" Bellamy asked, his arm leant on the bench behind her.

"Those demons I was running from? Well they found me. They found me and now I have to run again." Clarke smiled. Her intoxication was strong and Clarke knew she wasn't taking the problem seriously. She also didn't care at that point.

"I'm curious, what demons could Clarke Griffin possibly have that are so serious?" Bellamy asked, his speech also slurred slightly.

"I didn't think you even knew my last name." Clarke said with surprise.

"Of course I do. You live in my house. I know all I need to know about you." Bellamy winked.

"Ah but you don't know everything." Clarke pointed at him. She took another sip of her drink. Before she could stop herself, she continued. "You don't know that I'm running from quite possibly the worst man to ever walk the planet. Well, I was but the bastard found me again."

Bellamy straightened up at her last sentence.

"Clarke, are you in some kind of trouble?" Bellamy asked.

Clarke didn't seem to hear him though.

"You know what, let him find me. I have nothing left anyway. I lost my friends, I lost my father. My mother hates me. I lost everything for him. What's the worst he could do?!" Clarke threw her arms in defeat. She took another sip of her drink. "I suppose I can handle a few more bruises."

This comment seemed to sober Bellamy up slightly.

"Clarke, what are you talking about? Is someone after you?" Bellamy asked seriously.

"My demons are my ex boyfriend Bellamy. The reason I'm such a coward around men. The reason I left home in the first place." Clarke's voice suddenly became softer. "He's the reason I'm so broken."

"Hey, look at me." Bellamy said sharply. His placed his hand under her chin gently. "If someone is threatening you, you need to call the police. If this ex of yours has found you, then you need to report him!"

"It's no use, he just buys his way out. He knows too many people." Clarke shook her head. "Forget about it, I'll be fine."

"Clarke, you're better than this. Those demons may have found you, but I won't let them hurt you." Bellamy wasn't even sure what he was trying to say. He didn't know why he said that. But he had and he knew he couldn't take it back now.

"I'm scared Bellamy." Clarke whispered as tears sprung to her eyes. "I have to leave again and I have no where to go. I can't escape him."

"You're not going anywhere. He hasn't reached you yet. Just because he knows what city you're in, doesn't mean he knows your exact location." Bellamy said stubbornly. "I won't let him hurt you again Princess.

Clarke couldn't speak. She didn't know what to say. Right now she didn't even know how to feel. She simply stared into his eyes. His big, soft, brown eyes. Had Bellamy always had so many freckles? Why did they remind her of the constellations in the sky? Why was she suddenly feeling a knot in the pit of her stomach? Was it just her or was he suddenly closer than he was a few seconds?

Why was she suddenly kissing him? And why was he kissing back?

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