Silent Treatment

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Tristan had tried all weekend to reach Rory, and for the most part, she had been able to avoid him even though he'd been bold enough to come to Star's Hollow and show up at her house asking to talk to her. Thankfully Lorelai had quickly covered for Rory saying she was out with some friends for the day and wouldn't be back until later. But now it was Monday and Rory knew she'd have no choice but to see Tristan at school and her stomach actually hurt a little thinking about that encounter.

"Rory hon, coffee is ready," she heard her mother call from the kitchen.

"Coming," Rory quickly responded back just as a text come in on her phone. Quickly she glanced at it pretty sure she knew exactly who it was going to be from and she was right.

Rory, I've been trying to reach you all weekend with zero luck, but I'm pretty sure you know that. I cannot stress enough that WE NEED TO TALK and to resolve this. I don't want to be apart. It's stupid and really unnecessary. So please, meet me by the tree in front of the school before class so we can figure this out together. ~T

Rory hesitated. She wanted to answer him, but she knew he wasn't going to like her response. He just wanted more than she could give right now, the guilt for her had become just too much to deal with.

Reluctantly she began to type.

Tristan, I'm not trying to hurt you or make you angry. I'm just trying to get to a place where I don't feel like the 'other woman.' The relationship wrecker... etc. Kennedy doesn't deserve what we've been doing to her, she is the innocent victim in all this just like Dean was. I'm sorry if --

"Rory, your java of choice is getting chilly all by itself out here," Lorelai yelled from the kitchen once again.

"Coming, just one minute," Rory answered back.

"You said that like five minutes ago, what's going on?" Lorelai asked having walked to Rory's bedroom door now to stand.

A little forlorn Rory looked up from her phone to her mom. "It's Tristan... I'm trying to make him understand.

Lorelai came over and sat on Rory's bed now. "In a text sweetie?"

" I don't know what else to do. If I call him... I know he'll talk me out of this and if I see him, well forget it I'm done. You said once he was my kryptonite and you're right mom. I can't stay away from him mostly because I don't want to." 

"So what your plan is to text him the bad news and then just avoid him all day?" Lorelai asked.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Oh, my sweet, sweet naive child. Boys like Tristan don't give up that easy. They pursue and pursue until they wear you down. It's the first lesson you learn in Bad Boy 101."  

"So then what am I supposed to do?" Rory asked even more confused if that was at all possible.

"Give me your phone," Lorelai stated opening her hand now to receive it.

Reluctantly Rory did as she was told and handed it over. Lorelai quickly erased Rory previous half done message and then began typing.

"Tristan, nothing can be resolved with a ten-minute conversation/argument by the tree. You have to give me space, you have to stop texting me, calling me and showing up at my house. If you don't then I will have no choice but to say this is over. So please if you truly care about me then respect my wishes to be alone right now." ~ Rory

Finished typing Lorelai handed it over to Rory. "Now all you have to do is hit send."

Rory read the message and balked a little at it. "It's so harsh."

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