Just Walk Away

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Sitting on the wall in front of Chilton Academy covering his ears all Tristan could thing was 'this is not happening.'

The music emanating from the gym was loud enough to reach him and it wasn't helping his growing anxiety at all. He didn't want to have a meltdown anywhere, but especially not here surrounded by his peers who could be cruel. He was thankful now that he hadn't fought his mother on taking medication before leaving for the night as it did seem to be keeping his stress to a level he could still handle, but it still embarrassed him when he could feel the control being drained from him and the need to get away overtake him. 

Inside the dance Rory was a mess and Paris was conflicted. Part of her wanted to stay and help Rory process all that had just happened, but she was also conscious of how abruptly Tristan had left and she knew why. In fact, she was probably the only one who did - the only one he'd confided in.

"I'll be right back," Paris said decision made. 

"Where are you going?" Rory asked streams of black mascara caked on her face.

Paris contemplated lying to Rory and decided it was a bad idea. "I'm going to go check on Tristan." 

"Will you tell him... I'm not upset with him," Rory asked her request hitting the right notes with Paris. 

"I will." 

Nothing about the way this night had panned out was Tristan's fault and for the first time in a really long time she felt sorry for him. Jeremy and his evil sidekick Kennedy had finally gotten their hands on the pawn they needed to get back at him and the resulting attack had been swift and vicious leaving a trail of intended and unintended victims. 

The fresh air of the night was starting to help. Tristan was beginning to feel more in control of his mind and body. But with clarity came the memory of what had transpired tonight. 

The atmosphere at the dance had been nothing short of magical with Henry and Lane falling deeper for each other, and he and Rory spending every second in each other's arms. 

Paris however was experiencing a much different dance. She had joined their group about an hour into the dance after her date had bailed on her with his ex-girlfriend. 

Tristan and Henry had both promised to dance with her and she had been more than a little grateful to be saved from the embarrassment of wallflower status. 

It was a night that seemed as if nothing could go wrong, but it only took a second to turn the magic of the night into an unexpected nightmare when Paris had taken the stage to announce the Valentine King and Queen.

"Can I have your attention please?" Paris asked her voice barely coming through the static of the microphone. 

As if on cue Cedric from the AV club came out to the stage and quickly unplugged the mic, played with the cord a bit and plugged it back in. "Testing, one two three, testing. Sounds good," he said as he stepped back behind the curtains. 

"Okay, let's try this again," Paris said the microphone now sounding much better. 

As the music began to lower the students all began to turn towards the stage in anticipation. Everyone knew that this was the moment that the King and Queen of the Valentines dance would be announced and the buzz of excitement on the floor was palpable.

"Tristan, as the past years King I'd like to invite you to the stage to usher in this year's King of the Valentines," Paris said gesturing him to follow her instructions. 

Standing behind Rory his arms wrapped around her Tristan gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before heading up to the stage where Paris handed him the crown. 

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